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"How could you be so stupid!?" Her father asked angrily. "Oh wait, I know how, you learned from your mother!"
Lynn's parents got closer in a threatening sort of way as if they were going to hurt someone. Lynn backed up, it was obvious that she was terrified of them.
"It's okay beautiful." Robbie whispered to her. "Get behind me. I won't let them hurt you." Lynn did as she was told and hid behind Robbie.
"Tell me boy," Her dad started at Robbie. "Tell me if I heard right. You got my daughter pregnant?"
"I did." Robbie says bluntly. Lynn's father had gone completely red with rage. He got inches from Robbie's face and screamed at the top of lungs. He was so loud no one could understand a word of what he was saying.
"IDIOT!" Is the only thing that they could understand. He said it over and over again.
"I think what your father is trying to say is that you guys shouldn't have been so careless." Lynn's mother said.
"She's not the only one who should've been careful." Her father, Martin, said. "As I recall it was your fault that you had gotten pregnant with Lynn in the first place!"
"Lets not go into all that now Martin." Lynn's mother said. "Please not now."
"Why not now!? It's your fault any of this has even happened!" Martin was getting extremely upset. "Maybe if you wouldn't have had an affair after we got married things would be different!"
"How would that have changed anything!?" Lynn's mother, Quinn, was getting louder too now.
"She learned it from you!"
"Learned what from me!? She didn't cheat on anyone!"
Lynn wrapped her arms around Robbie from behind and cried as she held him.

Suddenly a loud SLAM echoed through the room. Lynn jumped about a foot high as well as her parents. Everyone looked in the direction it was coming from and saw Robbie looking angrily back at them.
"Everyone stop it right now!" He yelled. "Your upsetting Lynn and our baby!" He pointed at Lynn and then looked back at them. "You guys are lousy parents! Lynn needs you! You should be there for her. You couldn't have gotten more lucky. She is amazing. how come you are to big of cry babies to understand that? Now I don't care what you say but Lynn and I are going to be amazing parents. Our baby couldn't have a better mother and I am sure of that." Robbie took a deep breath and looked around the room. Everyone was quiet and shocked. Except Lynn. She was smiling as she stared at her wonderful boyfriend.
When everyone finally broke out of what ever trance Robbie had them in Martin stepped closer to Robbie and asked through gritted teeth. "How do think you are going to do it? How do you think that you are going to support your little "family" at fifteen years old? You can't, you will fail. And when you do I will be here to laugh in your face."
"I will do whatever it takes." Robbie promises. "It doesn't matter what comes our way we will make it. You know why? Because I... never... fail." Lynn could tell Robbie had gone Pan and she loved it. She has never adored him more.
"I love you Robbie." She said.
"I love you too." He promised her. Tears rolled down Lynn face, wetting Robbie's shirt. She then turned to her parents to speak to them.
"I love Robbie very much." She said. "And I do love you guys too. Please, if you take my hand now then I know you love me as well and you can forgive me for what I have done." Lynn held out her hand for them. Quinn, Lynn's mother, takes her hand smiling.
"I will always love you Lynn." She told her. "And I will always be here to support you with whatever decisions you make."
      Lynn was so happy she hugged her mom for almost a whole minute.
"Thank you mom!" Lynn cried. She then looked at her dad hopefully and he just shook his head.
"I'm leaving tomorrow night." He told them all. "I am done with this family." He then walked out of the room.
Quinn and Robbie were very angry with him and Lynn was very saddened. Of course it didn't really surprise her. That's just how her dad is.


Are you ready for this?" Lynn asked Robbie. They were standing just outside his house preparing to tell his parents.

"No, not really." He admitted. Lynn grabbed his hand and smiled at him affectionately.

"I love you." She told him. They walked up to the front door, not daring to let go of each other.

It went just as Robbie had expected. They hardly even gave notice to the fact that he was in the room. Or that he was even talking to them.
"I hate you guys so much!" Robbie yelled at them.
"The feeling is mutual." He heard his mother mumble. Lynn squeezed Robbie's hand in support.
"We have something we wanted to tell you." Robbie calmed down to speak again. "Well the thing is..." He twitched nervously next to Lynn.
"I'm pregnant!" Lynn blurted out. Both of Robbie's parents stopped what they were doing and turned to look at them. Neither of them seemed surprised. They seemed more pleased then anything. A wide grin spread across Mrs. Kay's face.
"Now you've done it." She said, slowly stepping towards them. "Now you've crossed the line to completely useless."
Both Robbie and Lynn looked at her, hoping for some sort of explanation.
"I don't want to see you in this house anymore." His father said calmly. He pulled out a pen and wrote out a check.
"What!?" Robbie asked shocked. "Why not!?"

"You are no longer a member of this family." His father said. "Here take this and leave."

Robbie grabbed the paper from his fathers hand and looked at it to see a check for $10,000. "Why are you giving me this?"

"It's time for you to grow up on your own." His mother said. "You now have your own family to take care of and this gives us a good excuse to get rid of you."

"So your just going to make me leave?" He asked hurt.

"We have given you enough money to start raising your family. But we don't want to see you anymore." She told him. "Goodbye." Then his parents walked Lynn and Robbie to the door and made them leave.

"What do we do?" He asked. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Its kinda looking like we are going to be on our own." She told him. "My grandma would probably take us in."

"I guess for right now we have no other option." He looked at her sadly. "I don't think we should dare go back to your parents house right now."

"I don't think so either."

"I'm sorry I did this to you Lynn." He held her hand tightly.

"I'm not."

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