12 - end

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And many more dates followed. Things changed, sure. Keith started working a bit less, I graduated and started working. We still live in the same house, we have been for four years now. I'm twenty-two now, Keith just turned twenty-three, we've been together for almost four and a half years and Hunk and his girlfriend, Shay, have been together for two years and some months. She moved in with us about two years ago and even Matt and Shiro started a relationship. We've had our fair share of parties, kisses, drinks, dances and orgasms. My family came around when Keith and I came home from our ninth date and they told us (after two years nonetheless) that they accepted this, whatever it was. Are they comfortable? Not really. Is Keith the best uncle ever? Definitely.

“It's just like our first date,” Keith gasps as he sees the picnic I set out in the forest. I fumble nervously with the box in my pocket and I sit down, pulling him down with me. We eat, we talk, everything is perfect. I grab my phone and turn some classical music on, which really isn't my thing but it's great to dance. I get up and offer him my hand. “Want to dance?” I ask and he rolls with his eyes. He grabs my hand and I pull him up and into a hug. His arms are loosely around my neck, his head is on my shoulder and my hands are tightly wrapped around his waist. I wish this could last forever. “Hey Keith?” I mumble and he nods. “Remember when we just started seeing each other, and I said something along the lines of 'you were my so many first and I want you to be all my lasts’?” I ask and he nods again. I step away from him and fall down onto my knee. “Want to help me make that become a reality?” I ask as I pull the ring out and he almost screams before falling down to kiss me. He moves away rather quickly, too quickly for my liking, as he pulls out a box as well. “Only if you help me,” he smiles as a tear rolls over his cheek. I notice I'm crying as well and I hug him tightly before grabbing his hand to slide the ring on. He does the same before pushing me back and pinning me down, kissing me heavily. “I love you so much,”

“I love you more, mullet,”

Finished writing on September 15th, 2017

14 years old

29 pages

18.054 words

piss of your parents KLANCEWhere stories live. Discover now