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“We should finally have that housewarming party tonight,” Hunk says while cooking some eggs or something. “Yeah, sounds fun,” I yawn and stretch before noticing that Keith's gone. “Where's Keith?” I ask as I get up to smell whatever he's making and boy, it smells amazing. “He said he had to work this morning, he'll be home before dinner,” Hunk smiles as he turns around and I shake my head. “We need to ask him though,” I say as I sit down on top of the table. Hunk nods as he hands me a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon. “You're the best,” I immediately start munching down on it and he sits down next to me. “You really love him, huh?” Hunk starts and I nod slowly. “I mean, you bought those cats even though you're allergic,” Hunk laughs as he takes a bite himself. “Yeah, I got those anti-allergy pills from the pharmacy,” I sigh and put my already empty plate down. “Who did you want to invite?” I ask as I slide down onto one of the chairs. “I was thinking of Pidge, Matt, Allura and maybe Lotor,” he shrugs and I nod. “Sounds good, I think Keith would want to invite some people as well, and I want to invite some of my siblings if I can?” I ask while fiddling with my phone. I'm waiting for it to start up and sigh before laying it down flat. “Hunk I need you to teach me how to bake a cake,” I suddenly say as I jump up. “Sure,” Hunk shrugs as he stands up calmly. “Is it for Keith?” He winks and I nod while blushing. “Look I really want him to be my boyfriend but I don't know how to ask him,” I mutter and Hunk nods. “I'll help,” he says and I grab my phone.

Keithotron- 6 new messages

I quickly open the notification and see 5 pictures popping up along with a text.

[9/6, 14:53] Keithotron I'll miss you, see you around 1 babe

I start smiling like an idiot and scroll through the pictures. He took some selfies and on one of them he kisses my forehead. I go to settings and decide to use that one as my wallpaper from now on. “Cute,” Hunk chuckles and I jump. “How come you two aren't a couple yet, you already act like one,” he sort of asks and he grabs some flour. “I never really asked him and, wait we do?” I ask while looking at Hunk. “Yeah, you're always all up into each other and that night you didn't feel good you even slept in the same bed,” Hunk doesn't look at me but I know he's right. “Yeah, I'm really into him,”

“I'm back!” I hear Keith yell and I mutter something along the lines of fuck to myself. “Smells good, watcha baking?” He asks a he walks into the kitchen. I turn around and hug him before laughing nervously. “It's stupid,” I chuckle and he shakes his head. “Tell me,” he boops my nose and the timer goes off. Fuck. I quickly grab the oven mitts and pull the heart formed cake out of the oven. “Okay so I wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend but I don't know how so I kinda made you a cake but you came home too early for me to decorate so I guess I can only offer you a plain cake and like, myself, right now which sucks but hey wanna be my boyfriend?” I ramble and he starts laughing. “Obviously,” he smiles as he kisses me. I turn around with him and he quickly jumps on the countertop. I pull him towards me and we make out for a bit before moving over to the couch.

“Oh, before I forget,” I casually say while playing with Keith's hair who's basically sitting on my lap anyway. He looks at me and I smile while brushing some hair out of his face. “We're holding a small house warming party tonight and Hunk and I wanted to know if you'd like to invite some people,” I say and he seems to think. “Only one, but he might be late,” he says as he starts typing away on his phone. “Okay, I'll tell Hunk,” I say as I dial his number. It rings a few times and suddenly I hear Hunk. “Hey, just wanted to let you know who's coming,” I say and Hunk tells me something about the beer before telling me to go on. “Okay so it's Pidge, Matt, Allura, Lotor, three of my siblings, including Liz who's underage but she can drink if she's allowed to stay over and one friend of Keith but he'll be late,” I sum up and I hear Hunk sigh. “Yeah, no uh, sounds good, I think I'll have enough to drink, do you want vodka?” He asks and I smile happily. “Always, I'll pay you back asap, see you in a bit,” I say and I hang up. “Your siblings are coming?” Keith asks while looking at his phone. “Not all, only Liz, Lester and Ley, the younger two dweebs aren't allowed to go out yet,” I say and Keith eyes widen. “You have five siblings?” He exclaims and I nod. “Yeah, we used to all share beds and stuff, hard times,” I sigh and he shakes his head. “Yeah, I'm an only child so,” he whispers. I hug him and nuzzle my head into his neck. “I'm tired,” I sigh and he strokes my hair. “Maybe some cake will cheer you up?”

“There are way too many people here,” Keith sighs as he sits down on his bed. “Come on, they all want to meet you and it'll be fun,” I say while pulling on his arm. “You'll stay with me right?” He looks up and I nod. He quickly laces our fingers together and he stands up. I smile like an idiot and pull him out of his room before skipping to the living room. “So this is Keith,” Liz says as soon as she sees him. She looks at him and nods. “Seems good to me, as long as he's nice I don't give fucks about Mom and Dad,” she says before taking a sip of beer. “Thanks?” Keith looks nervous and I squeeze his hand to calm him down slightly. He smiles at me and I feel two arms around my neck. “Nice house,” Ley says as he and Lester sit down. “Yeah, pretty neat,” I smile and sit down on the loveseat close to them. Keith hesitantly sits down next to me and crawls as much away from me as possible. He seems scared and I place my hand on his knee while smiling at him. He sighs deeply before curling up to me and I hear my brothers both make little kissy noises. I glare at them before Keith suddenly kisses me and I immediately melt into it. “So who's the man in the relationship?” Ley asks. Lester shoves his elbow into his ribcage and Ley yells out. “We're both male, that's kinda the jist of a gay couple,” I sigh while laying my arm around Keith. I look around and am glad to see everyone having fun. Matt is slightly drunk because of whatever he did, and Pidge is trying to get him to stop talking. Lotor and Allura are heavily making out which is typical of them and my sister has decided to start placing cups for stacking on the biggest table we own. Hunk walks in and signs Keith and Keith's whole face lights up. A tall guy who is, to say the least, very muscled, walks in and he looks amazing. He has black short buzzed hair with a white floof on top.

“Dibs!” Is heard clearly through the whole room and I look up at the sounds. Pidge cringes while sliding down the wall and I start laughing. Matt is clearly drunk. Keith suddenly gets up and walks towards the guy before hugging him. He looks so… safe. I know I could never protect Keith like that guy probably would and they seem to be close. I don't want to lose Keith, but this once again proves he can get way way better. Keith signs me over and I quickly make my way over to him and only now I notice  that he has a prosthetic arm. Ah, shit. “Lance, this is Shiro. Shiro, this is my boyfriend, Lance,” Keith smiles at me and he looks so proud and happy I just can't help but want to hug him. “Hey,” I say awkwardly and Shiro laughs back at me. Fuck, he's hot, way hotter than me. That's it, I'll lose Keith to this guy. Matt walks up to us and holds out his hand. “Hey I'm Matt, I just called dibszzzzz sorry about that but that means you're mine this evening,” Matt tries to flirt and I burst out laughing. “It's my pleasure, Shiro,” he winks at Keith as he grabs Matt's hand and I sigh. My phone rings and I sign Keith that I'm going to my room. I close the door and pick up.

“Mom, what the fuck do you want,” I groan while pacing through my room. “Are the kids with you,” she asks and I groan again. ,”Why would you care you didn't give two rats asses above where I've been for the past three weeks,” I exclaim and she sighs. “I don't care, I don't want to see you you, I just want to know if m-” I hang up and throw my phone onto my bed. Everything is going wrong. Everything is going wrong. Everything is going wrong. I slide down against the wall while shaking and start sobbing. Everything is going wrong. I hear a slow knock on the door but I don't say anything. Everything is going wrong. Keith walks in and immediately falls down as he sees me. “Stay, stay away from me,” I whisper while scooting away from him. “Lance, what's wrong, can I do anything,” I shake my head and start scratching my legs violently. He sits down in front of me and grabs my wrists. “Whatever it is, scarring your legs won't help,” he looks me straight in the eyes and I nod. “Now breathe with me,” he says before taking a deep breath in and letting one out. I try to imitate him with my shaky breaths but fail. He moves closer towards me and slowly wipes my tears away. “You're okay, everything's okay,” he says calmly. I nod and hug him tightly as he sits down on my lap. “Now tell me whats wrong,” he lets his head rest against mine and I take another shaky breath. “My mother called, told me she didn't give fucks about me. I hung up and started panicking. Also Shiro made quite the impact,” I whisper the last part and look down. “How come?” He lifts my chin up and I sigh. “He's muscled, hot, tall, strong, masculine hell even Matt likes him. Why would you have me when you can have him,” I say while tears start stinging my eyes violently. “Because I don't want him like I want you, and I don't love him like I love you,” he whispers and the tears start falling again. “You keep saying you're not good enough, but you are. You're more than enough and fuck your mom,” he laughs and I let out a chuckle. “I love you,” I say and he nods. “I'm in love with you,” he whispers back. I kiss him and I hear someone cough at my door. “Hey Lance?” Liz walks in with my brothers following her like two little puppies. “Don't worry, we'll deal with mom,”

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