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Big trigger warning lol

It has been days, almost three weeks and Keith is working again. Some nights I hear him come home but I won't go to him. I've been up all night, even though I have school tomorrow and something just doesn't feel right. I can hear him constantly turning around and around in his bed until it suddenly stops. Part of me gets worried while the other part is like 'he just finally got comfortable’. That is, until I hear him get up. I know he's going to the bathroom, nothing should be wrong, but I'm still anxious. I stare at the clock while listening closely for him to come back. One minute. Two minutes. Three minutes. After six minutes I give it to my instincts and get up. I walk to the bathroom and softly knock on the door. I hear something fall down with a sharp metal on ceramic sound and I try to open the door. Locked. I hear sobs coming from the other end and I panic. I start trying to turn the lock with my finger which, to my surprise, works? I rush in and see Keith, sitting against the wall and there's blood in the white sink. “No no no no no,” I whisper as I kneel down and grab his wrists. Cuts. A lot of them. Fuck. I pull him up by his shoulders and he's crying. “I'm sorry,” he mutters over and over again and I decide to pick him up bridal style. I quickly turn the lights off and go to the kitchen for the first aid kit. I help him clean his cuts as much as possible and am glad to see that he doesn't actually need stitches. I silently carry him over to my room where I start caring for his newly made wounds. We both don't say anything and I start wrapping up his arms in bandages just to be sure before pulling him into a hug. He starts sobbing again and I stroke his hair while silently opening the covers. I maneuver us under them and he's once again sobbing into my chest. Every time his head hits one of his arms, he lets out another sob and it pains me so much to see him like this. I'm such a useless boyfriend, I couldn't even be there in time. “Thank you,” he sobs and I hug him tighter. “Don't worry about it, try to sleep,” I whisper back and he nods before calming down a little. “I love you,” he whispers and I smile to myself. “I love you too,” I whisper back and I try to fall asleep myself while listening to his breathing. It's slowing down until I'm fairly certain he's asleep and that's when I finally fall asleep as well.

He's gone when I wake up, just like always. I don't want him to be gone, especially not after tonight. I miss him and I feel terrible. I know I can't cure him, I know it's a mental illness, but I want to? Cure? The? Everliving? Fuck? Out? Of? Him? Honestly just getting him to stop cutting would be great. It makes me feel so useless and I hate everything about not being able to be right next to him right now. I am honestly so in love with him I don't think anyone would understand. Sure, loads of people are in love, but every kind of love is different. They don't love the same person in the way I do. They don't love the small creases around his eyes when he smiles, they don't love how his one tooth is slightly longer and pointier than the others, they don't love the way his black hair spreads out when he falls onto the bed and they don't admire his beauty like I do. I love every single part of him, every way a bone lifts his skin up slightly and how his hip bones arch when you kiss his sweet spot. I love his really light freckles that you can only see from up close I want to kiss every single one of them. I want to kiss him. I miss him so much and I just don't know what to do. I sit up and immediately fall back down before rolling over. I try to hurry out of my bed and into the bathroom but I don't even reach halfway. I fall down and throw up whatever was left from dinner last night along with some blood. That's not good. I hug my stomach in agony and cry out before spitting out some leftover blood. Hunk rushes in and he immediately gets down next to me. “Lance? Lance stay calm, I'm going to call an ambulance,”

I faintly see Keith rushing in but my eyes close before being able to greet him. I still don't know what's going on, I just know I passed out right after being stretched onto a brancarde. I am so tired, my eyes just don't want to open in any way and I fall asleep again.

I flutter with my eyes, trying to allow myself to get used to the light. I groan out, feeling an intense hunger and stomach pain at once. “Lance?” I hear besides my bed. I turn my head and see a vague outline of Keith. “Keith, where am I?” I asked, my voice hoarse like I haven't drank anything in about two weeks and I slowly start seeing details again. “You've been asleep for three days,” he whispers. I shake my head and he comes closer to me. “Nonsense, I'm way too tired to have slept that long,” I chuckle, obviously not seeing the ernst in the situation. “Lance, you've been in a coma,” he whispers again and I open my eyes fully. “How?” I ask, still aching for some kind of water. “They say it was extreme fatigue along with food poisoning,” he says while looking away. I suddenly remember what happened the night before and grab Keith's hand, even though all the pins and things scare the shit out of me. He looks back at me and knowingly tucks his sleeve down. “Please stop,” I say as tears dwell up in my eyes. “I'm trying,” he whispers and I feel my hand slipping from his. “I love you,” I smile before instantly falling asleep again and I can still faintly hear him yell and push some buttons before really zoning out again.

“I want to go home,” I whine as they do their regular check-up. “I want to cuddle with my boyfriend and fall asleep while cuddling my cat,” I continue whining and the doctor sighs before grabbing his thingymaging and writing something down. “You're free to go, but you have to come back in a week,” he says as he smiles up at me. “Grab your things, call your boyfriend and go home,” he hands me the clipboard and I look at it before signing. “Thanks,” I smile up at him and quickly grab my phone. I dial Keith's number, which I now know by heart, and wait anxiously for him to pick up. “What's up puppaduck?” He asks as I hear engines roar in the distance. “You wanna come pick me up?” I ask and I can here him smile through the phone. “I'll be there in fifteen,” he says before hanging up. I smile to myself and gather my things before changing back into my normal clothes. I look at my phone. Five minutes. I happily go downstairs and almost literally run outside only to be instantly hugged by my beautiful boyfriend. “I love you so much, I was so scared I'd lose you,” he whispers. I hug him tighter and sigh. “I promised that you'd never lose me,” I smile and he quickly grabs my hand to pull me towards his motor. “Well, maybe we could finally go on our first date then?” He asks and I nod happily. He passes me a helmet and I carefully get on behind him. I hug him tightly and we drive away and honestly, I've never felt so at peace. Although I can't help but wonder what he has planned for a first date…

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