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No smut or kinda idk
Rape mention?

I haven't seen him since, but I did speak to him a bit. I honestly kinda miss him and I really want him to come over. “Lance, you have the house to yourself until Monday evening,” my mom says as she walks in, all dressed up and ready to go somewhere looking fancy as fuck. “Where you going?” I ask her as I sit up straight. “Your dad has a very important meeting. Your siblings are with Grandma. Promise me the house won't be burned to ashes when we come back,” she almost pleads it. I nod and get up to give her a 'good luck' hug and she squishes me completely. “Now have fun,” she smiles as she walks away. “You too,” she closes the door behind her and I sigh. I grab my phone and unknowingly go to Keith's number.

[8/23, 23:35] Lancelot: Hey man, my parents won't be home for the weekend, wanna come over?

It takes him a bit to reply, so I start twiddling my thumbs and check some other messages. Then his name appears on my screen.

[8/23, 23:37] Keitherteither: Sure, send me the address

I start typing away and he says that he'll be there in about ten minutes. I look around my room which isn't too messy and I stand up. What does he want to do? Is this the next time? Do I have the supplies for that? Yes, I do, I know I do. Are they within reach? Yes, probably. Do I have food? I think so? I'm way too overthinking this. I hear a few knocks and I rush towards the door while mentally preparing myself for however he might greet me. I open the door and he looks exhausted. He really looks like he hasn't slept in at least three days and he has a cut across his forehead. “What did you do? Have you slept at all?” I ask as I grab his wrist and pull him inside. He shakes his head and I hug him. “I tripped, no biggie,” he smiles and I sigh while leading him towards the kitchen. “You haven't even tried to keep it clean,” I mock as I start searching for some disinfectant. He's swaying slightly and I grab the bottle from an upper shelf. As I grab some cotton wipes I look up at him. He looks sad, depressed really. I grab all the stuff and sign him to follow me upstairs. I place everything down in the bathroom and I move him to stand in front of me. “It'll sting,” I warn him and I press the damp cotton on his wound. “Why are you doing this?” He asks with probably the most innocent face I've seen from him yet. “I don't want you to be hurt, now I would be perfectly fine with just sleeping for a while if you'd like,” I smile while removing the cotton and throwing it away. “Sounds like heaven, you don't want anything else?” He hugs me and looks up at me with a tired smile. ”You look exhausted, I'm tired as well, I really don't mind,” I kiss him softly for a bit and pull him into my bedroom. He sits down and takes his shoes off and I grab my phone. He sits down next to me and lays his head onto my shoulder. “How come you haven't slept,” I ask as I reach an arm around him to shut the lights. “Neighbors,” he sighs and I lay down. He quickly curls up to me and I pull the covers over us. “Why do you like me?” He suddenly asks. “To be real with you, I went to that club to look for a guy specifically. One I knew my parents would hate because they've been whining about me not having a girlfriend for way too long. So you see, I was looking for a big guy with tattoos or something, but then you sat down next to me and I just kinda, I don't know? You looked really good and way nicer than what I had in mind and we hit it off pretty good. Also fuck you're a really good kisser like what the fuck how,” I ramble and he giggles softly. “And when you invited me over, and you laid there, you looked so stunning and I kinda sat there like fuck, I don't want this to be a one night thing, and you told me it was your first time and I was really just worried about you being comfortable and that it had to be good so I sounded way more confident than that I actually was but yeah… You kinda hit all the right spots and like at first I wanted to be with you to piss off my parents but now I think I just really want to be with you,” I continue rambling and he buries his face in my neck. “That doesn't answer my question though,” he whispers. “Oh, well, I like you because you're not only fucking stunning, you're also nice and soft while also being tough and honestly you kinda sound like the perfect boyfriend to me,” I shrug and I can feel him smile. Suddenly he starts shaking and I look at him for as far as I can see him. “Are you crying?” I ask as I lay myself up on one side. He shakes his head and I pull him in for a hug. “Shh, hey, it's okay,” I move my hand over his back in circles and he shakes his head again. “Sorry, I'm, my life is just, it's fucked up, and I am sleep deprived,” he tries to explain and I just nod. “I know, I'm here for you, you're not alone,” he sobs heavily for a bit and then he looks up at me. “Thank you,” he whispers. I kiss his forehead and he moves up a bit to kiss me. I happily oblige and kiss him back before he pulls away. He moves back and lays down on my chest again. Soon, his breathing evens out and I know he's asleep. I move my hand through his hair and he snuggles up closer to me. I smile to myself and fall asleep as well.

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