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More smut Jesus how horny was I when I wrote this I was 14 or smth

I groan out when my alarm rings. I set it to snooze and nudge Keith with my elbow. “Morning,” I yawn and he shakes his head. Considering the time, both of my parents should be at work and the kids should be at school. “I need to take a shower,” I whisper and he opens his eyes. I start laughing and jump because of my alarm. “You wanna join me?” I ask and he shrugs. “Sure,” he yawns while he rubs his eyes. I sit up and stretch before getting out of bed. He slowly gets up as well and follows me into the bathroom. I'm already trying to get the water to the right temperature and he hugs me from behind. “What do you study?” He asks as he rubs his hands up and down my back. “Whatever my parents forced me into. I think it's engineering or something like that, but I wanted to be an astronaut,” I say as I turn around. “What did you study?” I ask while tugging on the hem of his shirt. “Something like biology, didn't like it,” he says as he takes his shirt off. I nod and take mine off too. “You don't seem like the type for biology,” I say as I lay my arms around him. “Guess I just liked the male anatomy,” he winks and I sigh before turning around. He pulls me back from the elastic band around my boxers and he slowly kisses me in my neck. I moan and turn around to fondle with his boxers. We both take them off and quickly step into the shower. He shivers and I hug him while welcoming the warm water. “Showers are weird,” Keith mumbles. “I agree,” I say as I dowse my hair and put some shampoo in it. I let Keith stand under the water for a while and we speak a bit about everything and anything.

“I have to admit that you still look astonishing while wet,” I say as I turn around towards him. “Shut up,” he rolls with his eyes. “Make me,” I raise my eyebrows and he instantly moves in to kiss me. It's just like kissing in the rain, but naked. I place my hand on the small of his back and pull him closer as the kiss heats up. “You up for it?” I whisper, my voice is a bit hoarse but whatever. He nods eagerly and I turn him around. I pull his back against my chest and start sucking on his neck while tweaking his nipple. He moans and my member springs to attention, as does his. I start placing kisses down his back, occasionally leaving a hickey or two, until I'm close to his ass. I quickly turn him around and place a kiss just above his member. I move back up and he kisses me head on. “What're we gonna do?” He whispers. “I was thinking,” I say before trailing a finger down his chest, “of taking you right against this wall,” I whisper really close to his ear. “Unless you want to suck me off, that is,” he looks at me and nods. “I want to try,” he says as he quickly falls on his knees. He starts moving a finger around my member and he suddenly licks it. He grabs the base and suddenly swirls his tongue over my head. He sucks on it for a bit and slowly starts taking me whole. His mouth feels amazing and within minutes I'm really close. “Fuck, Keith, I'm gonna,” I moan out and he quickly nods before I let my load out. He swallowed it. “It tastes weird,” he says as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “I know,” I half giggle, I'm still panting like a dog. “You did great,” I say as I'm finally getting my breath back. He kisses me and I lay my arms around him. Don't say it. Not yet.

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