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“Do you wanna get up?” I roll over, groaning as my head bumps into his. “Absolutely not,” I sigh and open my eyes, only to be greeted by his beautiful ones shining back at me. I don't know why, but I start crying again. Keith pulls me in for a hug and I sob into his chest. “It's okay, it's all okay,” he says while stroking my hair. “Keith,” I have struggle with saying his name, saying anything really. “Yeah?” I look up and he smiles. “I love you,” I whisper before letting out another sob. “I know, I love you too,” he presses me closer against him and I press my hand up onto his chest. “I low-key just want to have sex with you right now but we can't,” I sigh while blushing a little and he chuckles. “No, because Shiro and Matt are asleep in the room next to us, your family is sleeping on the couch and your other friends are with Hunk,” Keith sums up and I nod. “We should wake them up,” I chuckle while trying to get the last tears out. “Probably, we could also just lay here,” Keith says and I nod in agreement. “Sounds way better,” I smile up at him and move up so I'm facing him. He smiles back at me and he pecks my lips. I move forward and just let my lips rest against his. I honestly think that I could never love someone like I love him. Every part of me never wants to leave or lose him and although it sounds stupid, I mean we're teenagers but, I love him so much. I'd give my life for him and I've only known him for like two months. Suddenly, we both hear a loud 'Oh’ coming from Keith's room and I burst out in laughter. “I think Matt and Shiro just woke up,” I say while giggling like crazy. “Do you always have crazy mood swings?” Keith suddenly asks and I nod. “It's a side effect of my meds,” I mope and he shakes his head. “That sucks, mine prevent those,” he sighs and I softly kiss him. “Look at us, two fucked up boys finding love out of a gay hookup,” I whisper and he chuckles. “It's almost a bad fanfiction,” he laughs and I start laughing too. “Hey Keith?” I look at him and he looks back with those beautiful eyes and I smile at him. “Next time you want to kill yourself, just come to me,” I whisper as I put my head against his. He nods and kisses me before sighing loudly. “Can't I just come to you whenever I'm sad,” he mutters and I nod. “You can come to me whenever, like when you're sad, happy, in need of loving, or sex,” I say and I push his chin up. “Don't hesitate to come to me, I'll be there for you and you're not alone,” I gaze into his eyes which are getting teary and he suddenly pushes me back to sit down on top of me. He carefully punches my chest and a tear falls down onto my cheek. “I don't deserve you,” he whispers before moving down and kissing me passionately. “That sure is funny, I don't deserve you either,” I smile up at him and  he kisses me again, and again, and again.

“Are you guys going to get up or- oh,” I hear and I look up at Shiro. I start laughing like crazy and Keith drops down on me. “How was sleeping with Matt?” Keith ask through the laughing fit and tears and I start laughing even harder. Shiro is firetruck red and he rubs the back of his head. “Did you hear us?” He asks and Keith and I nod in unison. “Oh,” he says before walking away awkwardly. I pull Keith's hips towards me and he yelps out. “We should get up though,” I say and he sighs. “Can I borrow your sweater?” He asks with puppy eyes and I nod. “Only if I'm the one that takes it off of you tonight,” I whisper and I hear a loud 'gross’ coming from the hall. “Shut up Liz!” I yell back and sit up with Keith still in my lap. “You're so cute,” I say as I boop his nose. “Am not,” he huffs and I sigh in awe. He pushes me back and I easily throw him off of me. “Not fair,” he pouts as I get up and I grab my sweater. “It's not fair that you're so pretty,” I say before throwing it at him and walking out of my room. “Again, gross!”

“Good morning,” I smile at everyone and they all mumble or groan something back at me. I chuckle and walk to the kitchen to get my meds and Allura walks up to me. “Are you crazy?” She asks while looking at the pills that are spread out in front of me. “No?” I more so ask it than say it before dry swallowing about four pills. “Can I have one?” She asks and I look up. “No,” I look at her sternly and she moves closer to me. “Allura,” I step back until I'm pressed up against one of the drawers and she brings her face real close. I shove her back and she looks at me with a surprised and grossed out face. “What the fuck Allura! I have a boyfriend who I love? How would trying to kiss me get you pills that help with panic attacks?” I yell while stepping away from the drawers and I suddenly feel two arms around me. Keith. “I love you too,” he whispers and Allura looks at us with disgust. “But you've always liked me? You're not gay!” She yells and I nod. “I'm bi, and things change. Go back to your white haired fuck buddy and leave,” I almost growl it and she stares at me. Suddenly, she marches past me and out of the kitchen, which causes me to sigh. I hear a soft meow and see Blue looking up at me. “Hey little one,” I smile before turning around to pull Keith into my arms. “You replied pretty chill,” I say while putting my head into the crook of his neck. “I was watching long enough to get what was happening,” he shrugs and I nod. “What would've you done if she had kissed you?” He randomly asks and I lay my arms around his neck. “The same thing, just with more cursing,” I say as I feel Blue pushing against my leg. I quickly fall to my knee and grab Blue carefully. “Oh my God Lance are you proposing,” Pidge squeels as she walks in and I shake my head. Keith starts laughing and I hold the kitten innocently. “Keith, do you wanna be my kitten,” I say while pushing it up to his chest. He carefully takes it over from me as he nods. “It'd be an honor,” he laughs as I stand up and grab the kitten back. “Aren't you allergic?” Pidge asks and I nod before putting Blue down on the white ceramic plate. “Yeah, thanks for reminding me,” I say as I put my panic pills away and grab my allergy ones. I hand Keith his antidepressants and Pidge shakes her head. “It's like you were made for each other, equally fucked up,” she sighs before walking away. I chuckle and turn the coffee maker machine thing on before actually asking who wants anything.

“So, you and Shiro eh?” I ask while nudging Matt in the kitchen. “What? There’s nothing between us?” He looks innocent and I shake my head. “We heard you last night,” I chuckle while rummaging through the cupboards in search of something to eat. Most people left, even Pidge because she had a LAN party tonight. Nerd. Only Shiro, Matt and us three are here right now and I think we ate all the chips last night. “Well fuck,” Matt sighs as he turns to me. “I kinda really like him?” He asks and I look up at him. “Don't see why you wouldn't,” I shrug and he sighs. “Because I'm not gay?” He whispers and I can't hold back a chuckle. “You don't have to be, you can just like someone,” I say while bumping into him. I start looking for food again since he won't say anything else and I finally find some chips of some sort. “Can you help me?” Matt whispers and I look up. “Look mate, I don't know Shiro and I don't understand why my boyfriend even wants me, I am about as useless as an empty beer bottle,” I say before signing him to go back into the living room. He sighs bit follows me anyway and I sit down next to Keith. “Hey Shiro, you like Matt?” I ask as Matt sits down next to him, who immediately turns extremely red and looks at me furiously. “Yeah, he reminds me of a childhood friend,” Shiro says as he looks at Matt. Matt nods and looks away while still blushing. “I mean you do look familiar, do we know each other?” I ask and Shiro looks at me suspiciously. “Wait… I think a guy in my class was also named Matt before I moved back to Korea when I was 9,” he says as he looks at Matt who slowly nods. “You remember me?” Shiro asks, seemingly shocked. Matt again, nods and sinks back further into the couch. “I think you two need to talk, Lance follow me,” Keith grabs my hand as he pulls me towards his room and I see Hunk also walking away in the corner of my eye. Keith quickly closes the door behind me and he pushes me against it. He moves up really close to me and I am fairly certain that he is going to kiss me, but he sighs out right before he hits me lips. “Lance, I fucking hate myself,”

I hug him tighter than ever while whispering sweet things into his ear. “I know I can't do anything to make you feel better, but you're honestly the most important person in my life and I don't want you to feel bad,” I say while carefully grabbing his hand and interlacing our fingers together. “Why do you even like me?” He looks at me, his eyes are filled with tears but they're not falling yet. “Because not only are you sweet, intelligent, deep and amazing, you're also far above average in everything. I love your smile, how you look when you're dozing off, how you get all giggly when you're really tired and all mopey when something doesn't go your way. I love how one side of your mouth goes up a little higher than the other when you smile and I love how your stupid mullet feels against my chest. I love you, all your edges and flaws, everything,” I say while slowly spinning us around. He looks down and suddenly hugs me like his life depends on it and I hug him back just as hard. He lets out a quiet sob and I guide us over to the bed where he instantly curls up to me and buries his face into my chest. I stroke his hair, not only to calm him down and show him it's okay but also because it's soothing as hell. “Do you know you're the only person I'm comfortable crying around?” He suddenly whispers with a few soft sobs in between. I softly hum in response and he looks up at me. I slowly cup his face with my hand and move his tears away with my thumb before slowly placing a soft kiss right there. “I know I'm not as good with words as you are, and I can't just randomly tell you how much I love you and why. I just know that I do, and I am still trying to understand why you'd love me back, but I don't want to lose you,” he says with a strained voice and I nudge his nose with mine. “I know, I don't want to lose you either,” I whisper before kissing him slowly. “Please don't ever leave me,” he whispers softly.


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