Chapter 10: Where Is Thy Juliet, Abusive Romeo?

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Baby walked down the street finding a place to eat. Her husband, Springtrap, followed right behind her. They entered a restaurant called 'The Scooper'. It was a popular ice cream shop, Baby's favorite food. They sat at a table and ordered. "The lady with have a vanilla cone and I will have chocolate." The waiter put the order on the sheet.

"Ok. We will come out with your order soon." The waiter walked into the kitchen, hanging the order sheet to the cook.

A couple minutes later they came back with their order. "Ok I have the vanilla cone and the chocolate. Here you go you two." Baby and Springtrap started to eat. Springtrap looked over, noticing a kid standing alone in the corner.

"Look over there," Springtrap whispered to Baby, pointing in the kid's direction, "He's next." Springtrap got up and pulled Baby out of her seat. He walked towards the kid and Baby followed. "Hey kid, you want some free icecream?"

The kid looked up. "Oh hi sir! I'm not allowed to accept things from strangers. I would love some but-" The kid got caught off by Springtrap.

"Well I'm William Afton and this is my wife Baby." Baby waved to the kid. "Now we're not strangers anymore. Do you still want that icecream?"

The kid slowly nodded. Springtrap led him to the storage room. Baby felt a sudden feeling of guiltyness as she followed them into the storage room.

"Where's the icecream?" asked the kid looked around the room with excited eyes.

Springtrap reached into a crate and started to pull out a knife. "Right here!" Springtrap sliced the knife. Baby blocked it.

She turned around and faced the kid, "Hurry kid! Run away!" The kid ran out as fast as she can.

Springtrap screamed in anger. "Why did you do that!"

"To spot you from doing this! This is not the right thing to do!" Baby cried letting go of the knife blade. Oil started running from the cut.

"What do you know about the 'right thing to do'? I am the one to make the decisions!" Springtrap yelled. He put what looked like a silver breath mint with a red dot on it his mouth. He slowly walked towards her and started to..lick his lips?

"But-" Baby was stopped by Springtrap kissing her, his tounge slipping through. It felt like he was looking for something. Somewhere to put something, like the breath mint.

He would always do this when they argue and when he did, it was like she was back to following him. Almost like it wasn't a mint. More like a device to control a mind. A dissolvable metal piece to control her mind and make her under his control.
Springtrap has the device ready in his tounge. He had found the perfect spot to put it. Baby bit his tounge. He pulled back, Baby bit again. Her bite broke the device in two.

"No! No, no, no! That is not going to work anymore," Baby pulled back, holding her hand. This kind of behavior killed our child. Then, you and your friends killed our second child, and you had the nerve to say that he just had a bad headache? I am done dealing with you." She threw her oil soaked wedding ring onto the floor angrily and ran to the door, As Baby was heading towards the door, Springtrap yanked her by the pigtails and threw her onto the floor. Electrical sparks flew out. Something getting stuck in her throat.

"No. You listen to me. Your only job is to do what I say. You will not be here without me doing what I do." Springtrap opened and closed the door as Baby cried in the room.

Baby coughed from the dust. Her phone was behind her, barely in reach. She stretched over, basically dragging herself across the room. Baby picked up the phone and called Lolbit. "Hey," she said in a hurt tone.

"Baby? Why are you crying?" Lolbit answered in a worried tone. Red was behind her, hearing everything. He just turned two and and only speak in very choppy sentences. Most of them made no sense at all.

"Can you just pick me up at The Scooper? I'll tell you in the car." Baby got up and limped out. Her jacket covering all of her scars.

Lolbit pulled up and saw Baby sitting on a bench outside The Scooper. She didn't questioned anything until see saw a glimpse of Baby's arm due to the wind. When Baby got in the car, she started to cry. "What's wrong?" Lolbit asked, trying to confort her.

"Lolbit! Springtrap! He's gone!" she wailed, slamming her fists on the dashboard.

"There there," Lolbit spoke rubbing Baby's back. "What happened?"

Baby lifted her head, covered in snot and tears. Her face covered in scars. "Ok. Here's what happened."

Baby explained everything as they started to drive to the pizzeria. "How dare he?" Lolbit looked at her shocked.

"I tried to covince Spr- Springtrap that wh- what he was doing was bad, but then he threw me on the ground and left." Baby finished explaining, about to get all of her tears out.

"I knew We shouldn't have trusted him." Lolbit growled, regretting setting Baby and Springtrap on that first date.

"Yeah, I guess." Baby felt a shock Tun up her body. She shamed it off as a loose wire as that is expected to happen when she was beatened up this badly. What was unusual was that she felt love for him still. Springtrap. Lolbit drove up to the pizzeria. Baby walked out of the car. "Hey Lolbit. Thanks" Lolbit nodded back and drove away. Baby opened the door.

She stopped remembering and returned to reality. Baby turned around and looked in the main room. Lolbit and Foxy were walking towards the door. Baby quickly ran downstairs. Luckily, she can down to see all the kids washed and ready to go. The front door opened. Footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.

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