Chapter 9: Operation Get In The Pizzeria

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"What is this place?" asked Baby spitting up some dust. They stared at the bizarre wallpaper. More like giant stalker photos. The walls were these photoshopped pictures of Foxy and Mangle.

Puppet went to the wall and noticed something. These pictures have been there for some time. 8 years at least. The floor was scattered in Foxy and Mangle plushies, decapitated Lolbit plushies, a wedding pictures of Lolbit and Foxy but Lolbit was cut out and replaced with Mangle, and in he middle of the room, a sculpture that looks like Foxy and Mangle are kissing.

"Well she was a bit...jealous...of dad marrying mom," spoke Sly.

"No duh! Did you not hear her speech?" Slick said in a rhetorical manner.

"Well I would have If your feet weren't covering my ears!"

"Well I would have not if you didn't have your claws up agaist my-"

"Ok can we just find a way to get out of here?" asked Puppet closing Slick's mouth, "Lets split up."

Red was walked into one of the rooms. It looked like Mangle's bedroom. There was a bed with pink hearted bedsheets. There was also a watermark of Foxy sleeping. "Creepy," Red shuddered. Red looked around. Up and down, searching everything, somethings he would want to forget.

Red retracted his arm from under Mangle's bed. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Too bad Winter took the bathroom. He was whipping his hand on his clothing when he saw Mangle's drawer cracked opened. "What's this?" He went towards the drawer to reveal it was holding Mangle's Diary.

"Dear diary, today was the worst day ever. Lolbit asked Foxy to date him and he said yes. Then they KISS! I can't believe this! Im super heartbroken by this. I must find a way to get revenge."

Red flipped the page and kept reading out loud quietly.

"Dear diary, I can't believe that happened! Luckily, I made my own Foxy, and he will never leave me. We had so much fun. We-"

Red read ahead quietly. He started to blush. It looked like he was having flashbacks to something. "You know what? I'm just gonna leave this here and hopefully find some water to wash my hands in." Red put the book back and kept searching after he was paralyzed in fear by reading her diary.

Winter was in awe of how good the bathroom looked liked. It looked like it belonged to someone rich or at least very wealthy. She gasped as she saw a big mirror was in front of her. She grabbed her on-the-go makeup bag and headed towards the mirror. She grabbed her favourite light blue eyeliner and nail polish and started applying.

She applied light blue lipstick and put on silver earrings. She looked in the mirror. "I'm starting to like this 'Git Kidnapped Yesterday' look!" something went off in her brain, "oh yeah I'm trying to find something to escape with. Better start searching." She looked behind her and founded a ladder. "How did I not see that there? Especially in the mirror? I need to start paying attention." She lifted it up and dragged it to the broken vent.

Slick and Sly searched in a closet bigger than both of their rooms combined. It was filled with junk. There was a statue that looked like Foxy, a painting of Foxy, and some Foxy bobbleheads and plushies. "Did you find anything?" asked Sly digging though some random plushies.

"No just a bunch of random stuff that looked like dad," replied Slick.

"Well can we find something to do?" Sly said drowning in stuffing by now.

"I got an idea!" Slick said enthusiasticly. "We can pretend its like an escape game. We can call it: Operation get into the Pizzeria before dad and mom notice we're gone!" Slick said swimming in old bobbleheads.

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