Chapter 2: The New Kids

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"Congratulations, It's a boy!" Lolbit held Red in her arms. Lolbit looked at it with dazzled eyes.

"Welcome to the world, Red. I imagine something great with you," said Lolbit. Foxy asked if she needed anything else. "No, I'm fine. Go on ahead to work. You can tell them the news," said Lolbit kissing Red on his head. Foxy gave Lolbit a kiss and walked out. While Foxy was driving, he decided to get some lunch for his friends.

He stopped by Memey's. He ordered a chip bowl filled with beans and steak with a little bit of sour cream. He munched on his food while he thought about his kid and Lolbit, wondering on what they were doing. Lolbit read some doctors notes and started to call Foxy. Lolbit sat there, waiting for Foxy to pick up. "Hello?"

"Hello? ...oh sweetie, I have some... News."

"Wha-what is it?" Foxy asked in a nervous matter.

"I th-the...results for uh... Red. It sa-says that Red is....50 percent blind." Lolbit started to sob.

"Do you still want me to go to work?" asked Foxy. Lolbit choked back a tear.


Foxy started to drive to the pizzeria when another flashback came.

"Here is your beautiful little girl," said the doctor walking out.

"She looks so beautiful like you!" said Foxy smiling.

"My beautiful Winter. So sweet and fluffy," said Lolbit. "Go to work hun, I will be okay. Go share the news!" Foxy nodded and headed on his way. While he was walking out the building, he got a call from Baby.

"Uh hello?"

"Hey Baby what's up? Anything wrong?"

"No no, I just wanted to check up on Lolbit. Is she ok?"

"Yeah she's ok. I'm about to head there, ok?"

"Ok, got it." Foxy then entered his car. Another Flashback came rolling in.

"Isn't she beautiful, Foxy. Our third child, Ashelly." Foxy realised who's voice it was. It was Lolbit's. Ashelly looked at Foxy with the cutest eyes she could make. Foxy started to aww.

"That is so adorable. I might not want to even go to work for this, but if I have to keep paying the bills, I have to."

"Well don't be late!" warned Lolbit. "Wait Foxy before you go, can you help comfort Puppet. He is still kinda nervous about his new son. Just try to keep him cooled, ok?"

"Ok got it. I mean, it can't be that bad, right?" Foxy started to walk out the room calling Puppet.

"Uh hey Foxy! Hows it going?" questioned Puppet out of breath.

"Are you hyperventilating?"

"No I'mnot. Why aren't you? STOP ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS?"

"Woah Puppet calm down. Just breathe. Breathe."

Puppet started to breath out slower and slower. "Ok I feel much better."

"Ok. Talk to you at the pizzeria, ok?"

"Ok." A final Flashback came.

"Looks like you have twins. Boy and girl" said the doctor. "I wonder how they even have hospital insurance." Foxy and Lolbit began to laugh.

"Lets name the boy Slick and the girl Sly."

"Fine with me," agreed Foxy. Sly and Slick were both sound asleep. Lolbit kissed their foreheads and rocked slowly. "I'll head in for work, ok?" asked Foxy whispering and shutting the door. Foxy then heard someone faintly saying his name. He woke up and saw that it was Lolbit. "I'm just having some flashbacks of when we first met them."

"Yeah I do that to."

Foxy turned his attention to his children. "Ok kids. Me and mom are going to be away for a while. So we are going to send you to Auntie Baby." Everyone started to scream in glee.

"We will take you there after school." Lolbit started handing everyone their lunches in their lunch boxes.

"C'mon Winter and Red. I'll take you to school," said Foxy. "Red, your sitting in front."

"What, why does Red get to go up front?"

"Because I need to teach him how to drive." Winter replied with a pout. Foxy turned on the car. He started to teach Red. "So Red, where do you put your hands on a steering wheel?"

Foxy arrived at Winter's Middle school. "Have a good first day sweetie," said Foxy. Winter popped out the car and wave at Foxy. Winter then ran to her friends outside the entrance. "The main part of driving is memory to remember where your going and where you are."

"Ok dad. Got it."

"Do you have all your stuff?"

"Yes. Don't be worried." Foxy then headed to Red's school.

Foxy finally entered Red's school's parking lot. "Bye dad!" Red ran to the school doors realising he was the first one there. Foxy then started to chuckle. Foxy then took a left from the school to the pizzeria.

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