Chapter 5: Searching For Kids With Some Spagetti

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Foxy drove up to the restaurant. "Oh it's 'Italian Greatness'. The greatest place of all time!" squealed Lolbit in joy.

"This is the worst place ever!" complained Baby as the elevator descended down. "Lets just find Foxy's kids and get out of here."

As Foxy found their table. They looked at the menu. "Well, what do you want?" asked Foxy. Lolbit stares in his sparkling yellow eyes. "Whatever you want," replied Lolbit. "While you decide, Im going to wash my hands." As Lolbit walked to the bathroom, Foxy picked up his menu and continued reading.

Baby, Freddy, and Puppet searched long and hard in the underground Pizzeria. Every single room they checked was empty. "Guys! Come here! I found Ballora!" screamed Puppet. Everyone ran to his voice. She was in the corner of her room. Baby tried to wake her up with some tea, then coffee, then food, but nothing worked. They put Ballora in the room made for her and continued on.

As they ventured through the cobwebs and dust bunnies, they heard metal clanking and a distant radio. The saw a flash of a pink bowtie as they crawled by. "What is that?" asked Puppet.

Freddy was finding an answer. "Its, Its....."

"Its spaghetti and meatballs. My favourite!" exclaimed Lolbit. Foxy made a smile as they lifted the plate to their table. They grabbed their forks and dug in. Foxy look up at Lolbit and saw that she was happy. They both grabbed a noodle with their forks and slurped it up. Little did they know that both of their noodles are actually one noodle. They started getting closer, closer, and closer.

"Ouch! Ugh. Another wall. Turn back!" yelled Baby trying to navigate trough the wall. They finally saw light in a tunnel.

"Finally. Now we can get ou-". Freddy stopped speaking when they noticed they were outside the Pizzeria. There was only a lush, thick forest that went on for miles.

"Welp! Now we are dead meat!" screamed Freddy freaking out. "This would be even worse if Foxy checks in on us."

"I should check on the kids. Just to make sure they are ok," told Lolbit grabbing her phone.

Baby heard a ring in her pocket. It was Lolbit. They started freaking out. Puppet grabbed the phone and answered. "Oh hey Lolbit! Uh, Baby and the kids are sleeping. Oh, where? Uh in their room, of course! Where else would they be? Haha! Haha!" Baby shook her head in disbelief, but it looked like Lolbit was actually buying it. "You're just worrying to much. Go and continue your anniversary. Ok, bye!" As the phone hung up, Lolbit told Foxy what Puppet said.

"They're sleeping. Guess they tired out Baby, huh?" They both laugh at they continued to eat.

As leaves fell to the ground, the kids yelled in the tree tops. "Lets us go! Who even are you?" yelled Winter.

"Please! We did nothing!" whimper screamed Slick and Sly at the top of their lungs. Puppet started to hear their screams.

"I hear them! Over here, this way!" Everyone rushed to the area, passing snakes, falling leaves, and nuts. Freddy got hit in the side of the head by a nut and got knocked out. Baby tried to bring him along until Puppet yelled at her, "Leave him! He's just dead weight!" As Baby dropped Freddy on the forest floor, the screams became louder. Then, an unknown scream came. When she turned around, Puppet was on the ground a snake furiously biting his leg. Puppet manage to knock the snake out. "Go. Leave me. Remember me!" yelled Puppet, about to pass out. Baby started to cry as she ran after the kids.

"Well Lolbit, I have another surprise for you," said Foxy holding Lolbit's eyes closed. Lolbit scoffed as she lifted Foxy's hand. It was a boat ride with a fox boat. "Tada! A romantic boat ride." Lolbit ran into the boat to check out the inside. Foxy followed her with paddles in his hand.

"Thank you so much Foxy! You really didn't have to do this!"

"But I did." Foxy started to row the boat through the river. As they went through, there were fireworks lighting up the sky.

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