19. Dragon Dragon Unleash

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'Kyoto! Kyoto!'. An announcer of the train station. Ryusei get out from the train with his bag. His here because of the event that will take place. Also, his gaming online friend wants to meet him. Ryusei has found a online game of Mighty Action X. And he made a friend with a online gamer name Pallad99. Which he want to talk about kamen riders existence in this world.

"So he will be at this address. A cafe huh?", mutter Ryusei.

Ryusei made an online friend recently through multiplayer online game. Both of then shares about the existence of Kamen Riders in this world.

Excite99 is the id name of his friend and wanted to meet face to face with Ryusei in Kyoto since Pallad99 will be there for a school trip.

Right now, he read articles about masked vigilante that been happening around Japan and he even manage to see the photograph of the masked rider


All of that is a kamen rider before Build? Interesting. So the theory of there's other world beside where I used to live is exist?

"Technically, yes. But it's only make sense if its anniversary one or even crossover but even those also doesn't make sense. I mean I feel like I'm an OC", think Ryusei


"Back in my world, there is called Fanfiction. A story of what if and crossover! Kamen Rider has a fanfiction of crossover with anime!", think Ryusei.

You saying right now we are in a world where people read about us as a story?

"Yes! Oh, we here...", think Ryusei.

Ryusei text his online friend.

Build17 : i am here, where are you?

Excite99 : just search a guy with a spectacle playing game...thats me.

Ryusei enter the online cafe, and he search for the guy in spectacle and he see him.

"No way...is that....", mutter Ryusei.

You seem to know him...

"Thats Katsuragi Keima from World God Only Know!!", think Ryusei, he cover his own mouth.

Anime charachter i presume...? wait hold on why his first name like me?

"Shut up, you are not the only character has the name Katsuragi, Y'know....", think Ryusei.

Well we need to talk to him somehow. Just calm down, and sit at his desk.

Ryusei go to Keima's desk. "Umm, Excite99?", ask Ryusei. Keima then look at Ryusei. "Build17?", ask Keima. "Nice to meet you, finally", ask Ryusei. "Likewise", said Keima as they both sit down.

"Wait, you said you are in school trip?", ask Ryusei. "Yeah, I am but I separate myself from my group. It's why I wanted to meet you to talk about what I saw", he said

"Kamen Riders, have you seen them? Or know them?", ask Keima. "I know of them but i do not seen any of them..", said Ryusei.

Keima show him a clip of every kamen riders starting from Kuuga. All of it a recorded one from hidden.

"I know all of them. So how is this connect with what you talk about..?", ask Ryusei. "I never tell you who i really am. Not even my family", said Keima. "And that is..?", ask Ryusei. Keima take out the Gamer Driver and pink gashat. This shock Ryusei. "How did....", mutter Ryusei. "I found this at my trash bin outside of my house", said Keima.

"I thought this is just a toy but when i see a kamen rider using the same device as this, i also try it and i become one. A pink kamen rider name..

"Ex Aid..", said Ryusei. "You know the name?", ask Keima. "I've know the name. Ex Aid is a rider who appear before Build story every created", said Ryusei.

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