Chapter 1: Li Fu Chen

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"Li Fuchen, you still wouldn't be my opponent even after you train for ten years."


On the training grounds, the delicate looking Li Fuchen was seen flung off the stage, and the one who threw him was a juvenile clad in green clothes.

"Heh. As I expected, you were defeated in three moves."

"This is already the seventh time that Li Fuchen has been defeated by Li Yunhe within a year!"

"Ain't that right! Just last year, Li Fuchen was considered a genius and had always suppressed Li Yunhe. But unexpectedly, after a year, the genius became inept. Not only did his abilities not improve at all, it seems stupidity set in. Knowing that Li Yunhe was not someone he could defeat, he still accepted Li Yunhe's challenge."

"You have wronged Li Fuchen, he always had a proud personality and never cowers from a challenge."

"Hai, blame it on Li Fuchen's fiancée Guan Xue, there isn't anyone who doesn't know that Li Yunhe likes Guan Xue as well. The three of them grew up together, but Guan Xue was already betrothed to Li Fuchen, making Li Yunhe extremely unhappy."

The mocking laughter that came from all around rang in the ears of Li Fuchen, causing him to start breathing erratically.

A year, everything happened a year ago.

A year ago, within the Li Clan, he was rated a prodigy. Li Yunhe was never regarded as his rival.

Out of the blue, his talents seemingly vanished. More like his talents were unusable, everytime he tried to concentrate, he would have a splitting headache. The pain rendered him unable to cultivate in peace. After a duel, Li Yunhe realised Li Fuchen had not improved at all, he then began to repeatedly challenge Li Fuchen.

With his fists tightly clenched, Li Fuchen looked to the sky with an unyielding heart.

"Wretched heavens, when have I ever offended you, why would you take away my talents? Do you not know that in this world, having strength reigns supreme and the consequences of not having any talent."

Li Fuchen's heart was enraged.

A pity the heavens could not hear the voice of his heart.

Staring down at Li Fuchen with a sneer, Li Yunhe felt domineering. He had always felt jealous of Li Fuchen, jealous that his father was the Patriarch of the Li Clan, regardless of resources or treatment, it was all better than his own. If his own father had been the Patriarch, his growth would have definitely outshone Li Fuchen's.

Now that Li Fuchen had fallen from grace, the Patriarch can no longer be biased. It was a known fact that the Patriarch does not have the final say in the Li Clan. Behind, there was a committee made up of clan elders. Once the committee made a decision, even the Patriarch would not be able to change it. However, most of the time, the Patriarch was able to make decisions, as the elders seldom interfered with the daily household affairs.
"Li Fuchen, I advise that you forget about Guan Xue. Such a inept person like you isn't good enough for her!"

Once he was done berating, Li Yunhe turned and left the training grounds.

The bystanders all left one after another, leaving Li Fuchen by himself.

There was a pavilion in the distance, standing in it was middle-aged man wearing white, witnessing the whole commotion.

"Fuchen, though Father is the Patriarch, even I can't help you in this situation, you have to rely on yourself."

As a father, seeing Li Fuchen get bullied, he felt worse than anyone else. But he was clear, if he had helped his son, Li Fuchen would have suffered more humiliation and hate from the others. In this world, where the strong reigns supreme, and where ranks are highly desired, everything was about one's abilities. Help from others could make one look good on the outside, but in the dark, everyone would hate him.

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