Hufflepuff Versus Slytherin

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Sarah Beth~

I flew through the air, ready to catch the Quaffle. Mr. Cornelius was out there watching me, so I had to make him proud! I had to be stupendous!

"And Cumberland has the ball!" I heard Professor McGonagall announce as I caught it.

"Sarah Beth! Pass it to- Ahh! Really?!" Zacharias complained as I scored the first goal of the game.

"Hufflepuff gains ten points by Cumberland!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed Zacharias flew over to me.

"I mean it, Cumberland! If you don't stop hogging the Quaffle-"

"Duck!" I yelled. He turned around just in time to see a Bludger coming in our direction. We dispersed just in time for it to miss us. I looked over to see Vincent Crabbe holding his bat up. We locked eyes for a moment and then he looked away guiltily.

The game went on with us scoring goal after goal. But about halfway through the game, Slytherin suddenly started picking up the pace. They started playing dirty: knocking people off their brooms, constantly hitting bludgers at all of us, and I swear they were even jinxing us at some times!

"The score stands Slytherin 110 and Hufflepuff 80 as the game progresses!" Professor McGonagal announced, sounding a bit heart broken. I looked across the field to see Gregory flying in one place, losely hanging onto his bat. I flew over to him. 

"Hi, Gregory!" I smiled.

"Sarah Beth! Draco's going to yell at me..."

"For what?" I questioned.

"Talking to you!" As if to prove  it, Draco flew over to join us.

"Goyle! Stop talking to the enemy and-" Draco instantly went silent as a speck of gold quickly zoomed by us. Before anyone could say anything, Draco was off, going after it.

"And Malfoy has spotted the Snitch!"

"Now he won't yell at you!" I giggled brightly. 

"Now Summerby is off after it, also!"

"Sarah Beth, you really need to-"

"Malfoy is going for the Snitch...Ah! So close!"

"I'm fine! Besides, Zacharias yells at me either way!"

"Yeah, but- AHH!" Out of no where, a Bludger came flying towards us. Being his automatic reflex, Gregory lifted up his bat and hit it away from him...and towards me. I tried to dodge it, but it was to late: The Bludger his me square in the face, knocking me off my broom. I grabbed it with one hand and hung there, terrified and in pain. I could feel the warm flow of blood coming from my nose. Gregory, stunned, looked at me in horror then flew across the field towards Madam Hooch.

"And...It's Summerby! He's caught the Snitch! Hufflepuff wins!" The crowd went wild.

"We won?...We won!" I could hear my whole team yelling as they all flew to the center of the field in celebration. I still hung there helplessly.

"Wait...Sarah Beth is hurt!" I finally heard Tasmine shout.

"Let's go help her!" Maxine added. A moment later, my whole team was around me. 

"Come on." Cory flew under me. "Drop down. You'll land on my  broom."

"Okay..." I let go and, as he said I would, landed on his broom.

"You okay?" He asked as we descended towards the ground.

"...Yeah..." I wasn't really sure. My nose hurt so badly that I really, really wanted to cry. But I held it back. When we landed on the ground, Ernie handed me my Clean Sweep. "Thank you." I gratefully took it. 

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