The Ministry Hearing and Draco's Party

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"Eleanor, you are not to speak unless spoken to, understood?" Uncle Severus strictly looked down at me as we stood outside the Wizengamot courtroom.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I snapped. Just the tone he used showed that he thought of me as a child.

"You know what I mean." He replied, his voice forceful.

"Bring in case number 47954." A voice rang from behind the door. Suddenly it opened. Uncle Severus rushed me inside. I looked around. Everything looked the same from the last time I had been there.

After my Father's death I was brought here for only a few minutes for the Wizengamot to vote on whether or not Uncle Severus should have custody over me. Maybe they'll be in my favor again.

Someone in a uniform came beside me and grabbed my arm, leading me to the middle of the room. The whole Wizengamot peered down at me; and sitting higher than everyone, right in front of me, was the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, himself. He pounded his gavel.

"State your name." He demanded, looking at me over his glasses.

"Eleanor Snape."

"Your full name." He refined.

"Eleanor Winifred Snape."

"Where do you take up residence?"

"Spinner's End."

"And your guardian is your uncle, Severus Snape?"


"Do you know why you're here today?"

"Because I used magic outside of school."

"Because you used dark magic outside of school." As he said this he sat up as if he were trying to get a better look at me. "Are you aware that that is punishable by law?"

"Yeah," I replied lazily. What was the point of this? Uncle Severus cleared his throat, signaling for me to watch my manners. "Er, yes, sir."

"What was the spell you used?" I froze. Could I risk telling the truth? What would happen? One thing was for sure; the book would be taken away from me. It was safer to say nothing, so I stood there, starring dumbly at him. "Speak."

"Sectumsepre." Uncle Severus stepped up beside me. I almost fell over from shock. He knew?!

"Hm." Fudged started writing something. A moment later he used his wand to transform the paper into a paper bird-type thing, and flew it out of the room. He looked back down at me. "And who was the spell intended?"

"No one, I was just curious." I answered truthfully. This seemed to create a small uproar throughout the room. Listening closer, I heard several specific words, including liar, be murmured. My hopes plummeted; that wasn't a good sign. "No one believes me, do they?!"  I was starting to get angry, and my voice volume started turning into a yell. Uncle Severus put a hand on my shoulder, warning me to calm down.

"Mr. Snape, do you believe that your niece is an honest girl?" Fudge questioned. Uncle Severus stayed silent. "I will repeat myself. Do you think your niece is an honest girl?"

"No." Unlce Severus finally answered.

"Then how do you know it wasn't intended for anyone?"

"You are right. We need another witness. How about the two halves of her pillow?" Uncle Severus smarted off. I couldn't help but smile. . I had never seen him this spiteful. Fudge looked at a lose for words. Then, the bird-thing flew back in. He grabbed it and read it over silently.

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