Adventures at the Ministry

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Sarah Beth~

"Come on, sweetie. You've been sitting in your room since you've come home. Will you please come with me today?" Auntie sweetly asked, standing in the doorway of my room.

"Auntie, I don't want to go anywhere!" I pulled the quilt on my bed over my head and closed my eyes.

"Don't be silly." She paraded into my room and pulled it off of me. "You need some fresh air." She opened my curtains, letting a sea of light leak in. I let out a noise from the bottom of my throat, similar to a  growl. The sunshine burned my eyes. "Look how nice it is outside..."

"No, Auntie!" She sighed as sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I know you're upset about Cedric, but you'll have to move on, darling." I sat up.

"I don't want to forget him..."

"If you care that much about him, then you'll never forget."

"How do you know?"

"I haven't forgotten about my sister, or my mother."

"And Daddy?" She chuckled.

"Yes, and your father... but what I'm trying to say is, yes, I miss them, but I've accepted that they're gone. You have to do the same with Cedric."

"But it hurts..." As if to respond, my chest started to pound and ache, just as it had since the last task.

"I know it does, pumpkin," She put her arm around me and pulled me closer to her. I laid my head on her bosom. "But it happens." We sat in silence for a moment until I finally raised my head and asked her what has always tread on my mind.

"How did Mum and Dad die?" For a mere moment, she looked like she was about to crack. I actually thought I was going to get a legitimate answer. But then her face hardened, and eventually turned back into her overly enthusiastic smile.

"I'll tell you when you're a bit older." I frowned. Things were falling back into their usual order. "How about this; You get up and get ready, and I'll have Twinkle make you some blueberry scones for you to share with Rufus." I had a feeling I wasn't getting out of this. When Auntie had her mind set on something, she would eventually make it happen, so it was better now than later.

"Okay." I put on a fake smile.

"It'll make you feel better and get your mind off of him. Go ahead and get ready." She kissed my forehead and left the room.

I got up and started dressing. I hadn't worn day clothes since my last day at Hogwarts. It felt weird. In honor of Cedric, I wore the purple shirt he had gotten me for Christmas.  After that I attempted to brush my hair, but it was so messy that my curls had knotted together. It took a whole ten minutes to get it combed through it. By the time I brushed my teeth and packed my plaid bag, it had been thirty minutes.

"You look much better!" Auntie exclaimed as I sat down on the couch in the sitting room. "Get up! I'm going to be late!" I got back up.

"Here you go, Miss." Twinkle walked in from the kitchen and handed me a small woven basket covered by a pink checkered cloth.

"Thank you, Twinkle." She smiled and left.

"Come on, dear." Auntie grabbed my arm and pulled me through the fire place.

We emerged in Auntie's office.

"Rufus is in Cornelius's office, I think, if you want to see him."

"Okay!" With the basket of pastries in hand, I went across the hallway and into his office.

"Hello!" Mr. Cornelius jumped up from behind his desk and hugged me. "It's good to see you out and about! I've missed you! It's been to quiet around here."

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