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I don't know where i am right now...i was traveling in the dark, there was no moon, no stars, no light...i had my cloak on and my sword in my hand, everywhere was bushes, trees, and some other stuff that i couldn't see clearly. I continued to move, silently, since i didn't know if something or if someone was in here with me. Everything was silent too...the wind wasn't speaking to me at all...the trees were silent as well and there are no animals that i have even seen yet so or heard so...yeah it's been silent so me it feels if i break the silence...then something will come but is that a good or a bad thing? I have yet to decide so i have stayed silent. Where am i though...i don't recognize this place at all..what is this place about i started walking around, trying to see if i could find a way out if this...forrest...oh well... Then i continued to walk to where i think i might find the end of this place. After a long while if walking, i finally found it was all...empty.. Just white...nothing could be seen... Should i walk out of the forrest and into the unknown? I don't even know what's out there and i know that there's nothing back there where i found myself at. What should i do... Maybe i should listen...i can hear anything in a certain..radius..or something like that...

I heard talking...should i leave and follow the talking people? I thought, i haven't felt anything in the dark forrest at all abd yet i hear talking in the blank white space...what if I'm not supposed to leave the dark forrest? What if i am supposed to leave the dark forrest? I don't know what to do.. If i leave this forrest..will it disappear? Will i be harmed or something else happen? So many questions without answers...then i felt determined. I'm just going to do it.. I might be harmed or something but i am strong enough to protect myself.. For now at i walked out of the dark forrest and into the blank white space. Everything went silent, i looked around but the dark forrest was no longer there. I frown, ah.. I was somewhat right...but what now? I thought and started walking. Then i woke up. I sat up in my bed, frowning. Was that supposed to be a nightmare? It didn't feel like one...more like a.. Strange dream of..something... Then i shrugged my shoulders and did the same thing as i usually did. Then when it was time to go to sleep, i checked on my sibling before i went to bed and fell asleep.

I'm sorry it was so short it was close to 500 words..i couldn't think of might be a weird chapter but...i hope you find it interesting at the most...well until next time...ja ne~!

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