They're dead?

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Captain Turbot POV:

I can' believe in what I am seeing, everything there is a complete wreckage. All of the mer-pups home were completely destroyed. I noticed that a fish tail was there, the pups are stuck under the wreckage, I needed Ryder's help to move this debris.

Captain Turbot: (Calls Ryder) Ryder!

Ryder: (Answers) Yes Captain?

Captain Turbot: No time to explain, I need you come here immediately in your sub patroller right away, also tell someone to call some ambulances as soon as possible.

Ryder: Jake and Carlos, call ambulances now, I'll go check to see what Captain Turbot is saying.

Carlos and Jake: Got it.

Ryder POV:

I immediately went in the sub patroller, took it down underwater, and soon to see that Captain Turbot was waving at me, he told me to move the debris or the shells in that area, so I did, after I moved all the debris, me and Captain Turbot were shocked at what we saw, there were 21 mer-pups or something else. I noticed that the Paw Patrol pups were there as well. All of them were their motionless, they were not moving, even a single bit. their bodies were full of open wounds, bruises, and I fear some broken bones. We didn't waste anytime, we took all of their bodies, and took it dry land, where the citizens of Adventure Bay are, and near the shore where the mer-pups are. All of them were in complete shock at what they are seeing, even the mer-pups and the FNAF parents.

Citizen 1: No!

Citizen 2: They can't be dead right?

Ryder: I don't know.

Freddy: They really put up a fight.

Chicka: It can't end like this.

Soon ambulances came up on the road. We put them into 3's. Some of them went with them and soon they drove as fast as they can to the Adventure Bay Hospital. They got off, went inside, and took into some rooms, to see if there was any signs of life.

Ryder POV:

I was worried a lot that they might not make it, so I decided to chat with the FNAF parents for a while.

Ryder: Hey.

Freddy: Look, sorry if we you know, we shadowed you.

Ryder: It's ok, I know it's not your fault. How's your wounds?

Foxer: Not that much wounds, but swere still fine.

Ryder: That's great. (sighs)

Chicka: Are you ok? You don't look fine.

Ryder: (started to cries) It's just seeing them here right now, makes me worried. They were a part of my family.

Freddy: (sighs) Us to.

Bunnie: I think the best thing to do now, is wait and pray.

Ryder: Yeah, I guess so.

Ryder POV:

Soon a doctor came up to us, I was praying that the news that she gives us is good.

Nurse: You must be Ryder?

Ryder: That's me alright.

Nurse: (sighs) I have bad news, and I don't think you're not going to like it.

Ryder: What is it?

Nurse: You see, the ones you rescued from the debris, unfortunately the doctors tried our best, but not even 1 of them make it.

Ryder: (started to cries) You mean they are all dead?

Nurse: (nodded)

Ryder this made Ryder and the FNAF parents heartbroken.

Nurse: I'm sorry, we tried everything that we could, but it was too much damage what they had.

Ryder: It's ok, you may proceed.

The nurse leave them.

Ryder POV:

I'll never forget what you pups did, the adventures, missions, the fun games we had, I'll never forget you pups.

To Be Continued

I have nothing to say about this. :(

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