Seeing Puplantis + Unexpected

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All the mer-pups were heading to see Puplantis, they were so excited especially Everest and Tracker getting used to it.

Everest: This is amazing.

Tracker: Si, this is like best experience I had underwater.

Zuma: Agreed, but Puplantis is one of the best underwater kingdoms, that you've got to see.

Everest: Is that where the mer-pups live?

Zuma: Yes, it is the home of the mer-pups.

Isaac: Yep, and instead that you guys can stay as mer-pups until moonset, you guys can stay here as long as you like?

Skye: Really? (Said in excitement)

Isaac: Yes, if you ever want to change back, just touch nose to nose.

All: Awesome!!!

Isaac: Here we are, welcome to Puplantis.

It was placed filled w/ lots of mer-pups. Their homes were made out of shells, everything was beautiful.

Everest: It's so beautiful.

Isaac: Thanks.

Ivy: Wanna see our houses?

Everyone: Yeah.

All of the pups went in Isaac and Ivy's house. It felt like home, they sleep in a comfortable place, eat food, and etc.

Chase: Your house is awesome.

Skye: Yeah it is so cool.

Isaac: Thanks, hey wanna sleep here?

Chase: Uhhhh,

Isaac: Chase what's wrong?

Chase: Nothing, just I am not sure that if Ryder will let us.

Skye: Wouldn't hurt to contact him.

Chase: Guess your right. Ryder, Ryder (pup tag glowing)

Meanwhile Ryder is getting their ATV fixed. (Pup tag beeping). Answers it.

Ryder: Hey Chase, what's up?

Chase: Everything is fine Ryder, is just can we sleep w/ our mer-pup frineds?

Ryder: But won't you change back when the magical mer-moon is down?

Chase: No, if we touch nose to nose from the mer-pup, then we will change back.

Ryder: Ok. See you.

Chase: Bye. We can.

All: (howling in excitement)

Skye: This is gonna be the best sleepover, in underwater, ever!!!

Isaac: Here are some beds, uh, you guys can sleep in pairs.

Chase: Skye, can we sleep together?

Skye: Sure.

Marshall: Everest, would you mind want to sleep w/ me?

Everest: I would love too sleep w/ you cutie.

Marshall POV: (Awesome)

Zuma: I will be w/ Rocky, since we are best pals.

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