Getting In

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Chase (in shadow form) POV:

We were going in shadow forms to avoid being caught, so far all of us made it halfway through and were about to enter the entrance room, but then I notice that Red was guarding the entrance. We were scared to go, because what if he will notice that it's us.

Everest(in shadow form): How are we supposed to go in?

Marshall(in shadow form): Good question?

Chicks (in shadow form): Yeah.

Zuma(in shadow form): I got an idea, Hey Chase, can you tell Captain Turbot if someone spotted the mama mer-pup or her baby?

Chase: Sure.

Chase called Captain Turbot and to see that he was shivering in fear.

Chase(in shadow form): Hey captain, can you tell the mama mer-pup to pretend that she turned us into a shadow?

Captain Turbot: Sure.

Captain Turbot speak through the mer-pup.

Captain Turbot: Good news, she said neither of them were caught.

Isaac (in shadow form): Great, Scorcher tell her that you can  get us inside.

Chase (in shadow form): Thanks Captain Turbot, and be quiet too.

Scorcher told the mama mer-pup that she and her baby mer-pup can get them inside the main place. The mama mer-pup was howling in grace.

Scorcher: Get ready.

All of them were heading inside the main building of the kingdom which is guarded by Red. Red noticed that they were the Paw Patrol and the others who were with them, but they were in shadows.

Red: Well done mama mer-pup and your baby. All of you will surely help us protect this kingdom, but you guys are needed by Nightmare Freddy, proceed then.

Red let all of them in, and soon, all of them were inside.

Rubble (in shadow form): Yes!

All (except Rubble) Shhhh!.

Rubble (in shadow form): I mean, yay! (whispered)

Chase (in shadow form): Good plan guys, now we need to deal with him.

Isaac (in shadow form): Yeah, but we have to be quiet. We don't want them to know we are here.

They proceeded to the first room, they saw a door, however, it was locked.

Ivy (in shadow form): It's lock.

Chase (in shadow form): Anyone see a key?

Tundra (in shadow form): No, but maybe I can make one. Please make me a light key, (soon a key appeared), Nice.

Tundra managed to open the door, but Red was coming in

Red POV:

I was about to give them the key to the door since I forgot the room was locked, then I noticed that they manged to open the door, I immediately they weren't shadows, they were morphed into one.

Red: Hey, you guys stop right now.

Red tried to capture them by using his seaweed powers to make them tangled, but Tracker encountered that with his power too.

Tracker (in shadow form): Looks like you're not the only one who can control seaweed.

Red: But I'm still better than you.

Red used his other paw to capture the others, Chase managed to dodge the seaweed thanks to his fast reflexes, Ivy spun her scarf to make a shield to be protected along with Rubble and Minori, Everest used made light balls to destroy the seaweed, Skye made a tornado to made the seaweed spinning around, Scorcher made himself invisible to avoid getting seen, Samuel made him and Boner teleported dodging the seaweed, Isaac used his sword to cut the seaweed, Marshall clapped, but not that hard to make the seaweed missed him, Rocky used his laser beams to cut the seaweed, Foxer swam so fast that the seaweed tangled itself, but Chicks, Laura, Zuma, the baby and mama mer-pups, Frank, and Tundra got captured.

Isaac (in shadow form): Guys!!!

Red: Pathetic, you guys feels like you are useless.

Scorcher(in shadow form): Red, look behind you.

Red: What?

Scorcher punched Red in the face that he lost control of the seaweed that they were free.

Tracker(in shadow form): You're not going away that easily.

Tracker used his power to make seaweed around Red.

Tracker(in shadow form): Guys, we need something for Red to be put on, I can't keep on strapped him you know.

Rubble(in shadow form): Tundra, try making lots of metal bars and flat piece of metal.

Tundra(in shadow form): Why?

Rubble(in shadow form): You'll see.

Tundra(in shadow form): Please make me lots of light bars, and light pieces of metals

Soon all of the pieces appeared in front of her.

Rubble(in shadow form): Rocky make a cage out of this.

Rocky(in shadow form): Good idea.

Rocky made the cage so fast, that it took about 5 seconds to build it.

Rocky(in shadow form): Here done, quick Tracker, put him inside the cage.

Tracker moved Red to the cage, and once he was inside, he immediately shut it.

Red: It's not the end of this, I'll come back for you guys, as soon as I get out of this cage.

Chase(in shadow form): Sorry Red, we're not releasing you, until we defeat Nightmare Freddy.

Red: Ha (evil laughs), try but you will fail just trying to do it.

Tracker shut his mouth by placing seaweed on his mouth.

Tracker(in shadow form): That should keep him quiet, for now.

Chase:(in shadow form) : Great, now let's get outta here before he gets himself free.

So all of them continued going through the main building.

To Be Continued.

Hope you guys are still enjoying this.

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