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Tundra POV:

I went to check if Rubble, Everest, Tracker, Laura, Minori, Samuel and Scorcher were ok since Rocky told me. I notice that Both Everest and Tracker were down.

Shadow Freddy: You weaklings are weak after all.

Tundra: Rubble, are you ok?

Rubble: Yep the rest of us fine, except for Everest and Tracker are injured badly.

Shadow Freddy: Take this.

Shadow Freddy kept launching metal hats at them, Rubble managed to stop some of them, while Everest made some light balls and aimed at the remaining and still managed to hit it, despite wounded badly. Shadow Foxy launched straight towards Rubble, he tried to stop but his injuries were too much too stop as he was knock out into the boulders.

Samuel: Rubble!

Scorcher: This is not looking.

Rubble: Just go.

Laura: No way! We are not leaving anyone.

Rubble: I'm badly injured, if I am a shadow, I can't help him since my injuries are big.

Scorcher: (nodded) we need to help Skye and Chase guys, they might need us.

All (Scorcher): Agree

Everest: Behind you.

Tracker used his powers to grab the tranquilizers from hitting Samuel, Scorcher, Laura, and Minori.

Everest: Just go.

Without hesitation, Tundra, Samuel, Scorcher, Laura, and Minori hold hands as they teleported near Chase and Skye.

Shadow Freddy: Looks like it's the end of  time you 3.

Everest: Just tranquilize us, you'll need us.

Shadow Freddy: It'll be my pleasure.

Tracker: It's nice meeting you guys.

Everest and Rubble: (nodded)

Shadow Freddy tranquilized Rubble, Everest, and Tracker. They shook a lot until their shadows completely took over them.

Shadow Freddy: Now Rubble, help those others who are trapped in the cage.

Shadow Rubble: Yes sir.

Shadow Rubble swam towards the cage, but because of his injuries, he was not moving at a quick pace. He used his strength to set free Marshall, Rocky, and Zuma.

Shadow Rubble: Ahhh (hurts)

Shadow Rocky: Rubble?

Shadow Zuma: I saw what you did, and it was a really good plan.

Shadow Rubble: What plan?

Shadow Rocky: Never mind, want to turn the rest into shadows?

Shadow Rubble: Oh yeah (evil laughs)

Rubble went ahead, while the other 3 followed him, but what he doesn't know is that Rocky, Zuma and Marshall managed to take over the shadow souls inside, but it will take over completely if all of them were shadows.

Shadow Zuma POV:

We managed to get control of our shadows, we can help them, but we should not get too suspicious.

Shadow Marshall POV:

After what Rocky said, I managed to get over my shadow or evil ways, now we just need the others to the same as well.

Shadow Rocky POV:

After I said that, it did something to us to avoid being controlled by our shadows. We are still shadows but we won't harm anyone. We just need to destroy whatever Nightmare Freddy has to turn back to our normal selves.

Shadow Marshall: So what's the plan?

Shadow Rocky: We pretend that we are still shadowed, and try our best to help the others.

Shadow Zuma: Good idea, and maybe we can help the others who are still shadowed.

Shadow Marshall: We better, otherwise we are completely shadowed, and nothing can stop it.

Shadow Zuma and Rocky: (nodded)

As the 3 of them approached to the other shadows to give their assigned tasks by Shadow Freddy.

To Be Continued

Practically 15/21 remain, but 3/6 control themselves.

What do you think will happen next?

So technically if all 21 guardians are shadows, they remain shadows forever and can't control themselves.

Hope you guys are still enjoying this.

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