Be yourself

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Rubble, Rocky, Marshall and Zuma went back to Everest, Tracker, and all the other shadows were.

Shadow Freddy: Well done Rubble hehe.

Shadow Rubble: Thank you (light grin)

Shadow Everest: What should we do now?

Shadow Freddy: Me, Bunnie, Chicka and Foxy will help Nightmare Freddy. You shadows need to stop them and turn them into shadows. Here are some tranquilizers you can use.

All shadows (except for FNAF): Yes sir.

So the shadow FNAF went to help Nightmare Freddy while the remaining shadows went to stop Chase and Skye. But Marshall, Rocky and Zuma grabbed Everest, Tracker and Rubble covering their mouths.

Shadow Tracker: Let us go.

Shadow Rocky: You need to help us.

Shadow Tracker: We are helping you in taking over.

Shadow Rocky: Not that, help Skye and Chase control if they are shadowed.

Shadow Tracker: Look we all work for Nightmare Freddy, so let us go, or else we have to tell Shadow Freddy about this.

Shadow Rocky: Come you 3, control it.

Shadow Everest: You control yourselves.

Everest made a dark ball and hit one of them, and that was Marshall.

Shadow Zuma: Marshall!

Shadow Everest: No!

Everest approached Marshall who seemed to have a difficult time in breathing.

Shadow Everest: Marshall are you ok?

Shadow Marshall: Yep, I love you Everest.

Shadow Everest POV:

I realized that Marshall was the one whom I loved. I cared about him, my mer-pup friends, even the Paw Patrol. This made me snap out of my evil doings.

Shadow Everest: Thank goodness you are alright Marshall.

Shadow Marshall: Yep, and good thing you can control yourself Everest.

Shadow Everest: You just made me realized that we are strong if all of us are together.

Shadow Marshall: (blushes) Now we need to get Rubble and Tracker to control themselves.

Shadow Zuma: Done with it.

Shadow Marshall: How?

Shadow Rubble: I felt like that I really missed Ryder, everyone else in Adventure Bay.

Shadow Tracker: Si, especially Carlos, my owner.

Shadow Zuma: Great now that we can control ourselves, how do we get them to know that we are not going to harm them?

Shadow Tracker: Give them like a signal I guess.

Shadow Everest: Or we could try to tranquilize them and try to control it, I mean sure that they will become shadows but we can get closer to Nightmare Freddy to see what substance or device he has and destroy it, and we will become our normal selves.

Shadow Marshall: Good idea.

Shadow Zuma: It may be risky though.

Shadow Everest: I know.

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