Fighting Marshall

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Samuel, Scorcher, Laura, and Minori checked to see if Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, Rocky, Tundra, Everest, and Tracker are alright.

Samuel: Hey, is everything alright?

Everest: No, Marshall got turned into a shadow.

Scorcher: What?

Shadow Marshall: And you guys are next.

Marshall clapped so hard that it made a strong shock wave, that it launched all of them (except the shadows) back and into some boulders. Samuel, Scorcher, Laura, Minori, Everest, Rubble, and Rocky got up, but Zuma and Tundra were not moving.

Rocky: Zuma!

Shadow Marshall: Time for you to get shadowed.

Everest: I'll stop him, Rocky and Rubble, make sure that Zuma and Tundra are ok, Tracker, Laura, Minori, Samuel and Scorcher, try to capture those shadows.

All: Let's go

So all of them were going to do what they were told, as Everest is fighting Marshall.

Shadow Marshall: What's wrong Everest?

Everest: Nothing.

Shadow Marshall: Miss me?

Everest: I just thought that we can be together.

Shadow Marshall: We will, if you are shadowed.

Marshall clapped to make shock waves, Everest managed to dodge every single one of them.

Everest: My turn.

Everest made some light balls and tried to hit Marshall, but he dodged all of them as well. Marshall clapped again, and this time, Everest got knocked out as she was hit by a shock wave.
He approached Everest with a light grin.

Shadow Marshall: Time for you to get shadowed.

Everest was not moving as she was badly injured.

Shadow Marshall: Good bye good Everest, say hello evil.

Marshall was about to tranquilize Everest but Zuma came in and pushed Marshall, he was tranquilized, but he was not affected since he was invincible for a couple of minutes.

Shadow Marshall: How?

Zuma: Dude, I am invincible, for now. And I know that's the Marshall we not know before.

Shadow Marshall: This is who I am.

Marshall tried to grab Zuma, but he dodged it. Zuma called some dishes to distract Marshall for a while. Meanwhile Tundra and Rocky came in to help Zuma

Shadow Marshall; Get off of me you fishes.

Zuma: Make the parts to make a cage.

Shadow Marshall: Oh no you don't

Marshall threw some tranquilizers at them, Tundra and Rocky dodged it but Zuma got hit, and he was turning into a shadow because he was not invincible.

Zuma: (shaking) Just leave me or else I will turn you to a shadow.

Rocky: Zuma! I'm not leaving you.

Zuma: (shaking) The remaining of you need to defeat Nightmare Freddy, if not, I'll remember you all of you till the end.

Rocky: (crying), Tundra make the parts quick!

Tundra: Please make me a lot of light bars and metal sheets.

Soon, all of the parts appeared in front of them. And Rocky made the cage quick.

Rocky: Done.

Suddenly Zuma grabbed Rocky by his throat.

Shadow Zuma: Nice try, but your going with us.

Zuma held Rocky for a while, until Rocky moved and pushed Zuma.

Rocky: Tundra, go help the others, I'll take care of the both of them.

Tundra: Rocky, you can't be serious.

Rocky: This is something I have to do alone, just go, help your the others.

Tundra: (nodded) I hope you can do it.

Tundra left to help the others, while Rocky dealt with Marshall and Zuma.

Shadow Marshall: Do you think you can do it alone?

Rocky: Oh yes.

Shadow Zuma: Well then let's get him.

Both of them tried to get Rocky, but he Rocky led both them to the cage that he made, he was about to get out, but Zuma grabbed his paw, and with the help of Marshall, they both managed to Rocky in the cage as well, but Rocky closed the cage making them locked. Marshall tranquilized Rocky as he was shaking around watching him turning into a shadow.

Shadow Zuma: Any last words?

Rocky: (shaking) I just wish all of us can have a peaceful life, just relaxing together.

This made Zuma and Marshall felt emotions inside them, after noticing what they've just done, but it didn't stop them from what they have to do. Finally Rocky was completely a shadow.

Shadow Rocky: Nice to be a part of this. Hehe

Shadow Zuma: Great, now we need to get out of here.

Shadow Marshall: But, this will surely please the shadows (evil laughs)

To Be Continued
18/21 remain.
Hope you guys are still enjoying this.

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