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Harry's P.O.V

2 weeks Libby and I have been dating now, and today I'm taking her out on our first date, well because Libby feels well enough to go out. I go see her everyday after college and stay there until 9 o’clock at night. I'm not allowed to spend the day with her because I need to be doing some project at college, I don't do it. Why do I need to go to college when my life is set up, I have my career and I love it? Louis has been staying with Libby for the past two weeks, because Paul has let him off going to college because he is the eldest. Liam stills stays at the house with Libby at night even though her parents are back, and Eric always gives me death stares whenever I'm around. I guess he hasn’t forgiven me.

Louis went mental at me because Libby told him are how we broke up, what I did and he’s told me how lucky I am just to have a second chance and I can't let this one slip because there wont be another, and I know there wont be another one but I'm not letting her go, no way.

Is it childish if I say that two weeks into a relationship and I know for sure that I love Libby, not in the when you just say it because you have a crush, but I'm in love with her. I don't know if she feels the same way, but I'm going to tell her tonight on the date.

I have it all planned out, I'm going to take her to the woods behind her house, I doesn’t sound like much but it’s a full moon tonight. And I know from the woods, the part I'm taking her when you look up you have the perfect view.

Pulling on my black jeans, white tee shirt and grey blazer, I slip my phone in my pocket and leave my room, walking down the stairs and out the front door. All the boys have gone to Nandos, including Liam which means that I can take Libby out straight away. Starting up my Audi R8, I pull out the drive and onto the road to Libby’s house.

Once I'm there I walk up to the door, pushing my hair to the side and pulling my blazer around to my front, taking in a deep breathe I knock on the door using my knuckles and wait for someone to answer. Her mum, Nicky answers the door with a grin to her face the way she always does. Her brown wavy hair shaped into a bob and wrinkles starting to appear around her eyes and mouth.

“Hello Harry, she is just upstairs, she will be down in a minute,” Nicky tells me ushering me into the living room and closing the door. I take a seat on the sofa and pull out my phone as Nicky leaves me and goes upstairs.

2 new messages, both from the same girl, Keisha her name is, I met her at some bar and met her a couple of times, she is nice, pretty looking, long black wav hair and a really slim figure, big boobs and amazing smile. Nothing compared to Libby but she is nice. Is it cheating if I say that I have met up with a girl whilst dating Libby, I don't think so as its nothing just coffee, but I know that Keisha likes me, just like all girls do. Replying back to her messages and telling her my phone will be off and I'm going to be unavailable to talk for the rest of the night, I slip my phone back into my jean pocket.

Foot steps sound as someone comes down the stairs, I turn round to meet eyes with Libby, green, dark green they are today, smiling I get up and greet her. She is wearing a blue-grey coloured JACK WILLS jumper with short shorts, and white sandals and white bracelets. She looks stunning; her hair is left natural and pulled to the front, revealing her dip dyed ends.  Her face is still bruised, but covered with make up to calm the colours down a little, the deep cuts across her chest are now starting to close up and disappear, she has obviously got several pairs of skin coloured tights on her legs as the bruises and cuts aren’t noticeable.

Two Can Play At This Game (A Harry Styles Love Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now