A Stranger

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I want some time alone. I told David to tell Lucas I was leaving town for a while. David offered to come with me but I really just want to be alone. I decided to visit the Thompson's. I pulled up in their driveway when Carrie came rushing out the door. She hugged me and chatted non stop. Zach came out shortly behind here. He frowned when he saw me and ushered me inside.

I sat in their living room in silence. I didn't really know why I was here. I just felt like I needed to be.

"So is there any reason you came by? Not saying we don't want you here-." I held up my hand.

"I just have a feeling." Zach frowned.

"What type of feeling?"

"I just feel like-." Suddenly there was an explosion. I ran outside to the backyard seeing my mother's grave in pieces. I looked at the ground but quickly looked up, trying to see if someone set off the explosion.

"Adam!" I opened my eyes seeing Zach and Carrie looking down at me. I got up and looked outside but my mother's grave was untouched. Why does this keep on happening? I don't like not knowing if what I'm seeing is real.

"You guys need to go to the pack house." Carrie shook her head no.

"What? No! You think you can just black out then tell us to leave without us asking any questions?"

"Just go! Look, I saw something, an explosion. I don't know if it was real or not. If it was real, you two aren't safe here."

"I have a baby on the way! All our stuff is here. I can't just leave!" Zach grabbed Carrie's shoulders.

"Honey, we need to listen to Adam. Staying here may put our baby in danger." Carrie nodded, crying and I gave them the address after they packed.

I was rushing out the door when I paused. I want one last goodbye. I turned around going into the back. I looked at the time, 12:00 pm, I'll have to go back to the house soon. I got onto my knees.

"Look, mom, you remember that guy I was with? Well, he's my mate. He's a werewolf and I'm his mate... I've been seeing things. They seem so real and I don't know that they're not until I wake up. I don't even know if this conversation is happening... I know this is a lot to take in, it's a little much for me too. I just wish I had more time. Mom, dad will kill me if he finds out I'm gay. I've been so broken since you left. I, I, I just can't do anything to deserve Lucas. I keep wishing that I could deserve you but I've never deserved you, that's why you left me. Isn't it? Isn't it!

"I'm not coming back. I can't come back. Mom. I wish I could but I can't, dad was right, it's better if we don't come here. You fucking left me mom. Did you even think about us when you died? Did you even try to stay alive for us? I don't know these things but I'd like to think so. But you shouldn't have died. The only thing dad talks to me about is how fags are disgusting. That's all we have and now I'm a fucking fag.

"I miss you mom. Goodbye." I got off of my knees, looking at the grave one more time before I turned around and left for the very last time.


I knew I should get back home but I kept driving. My throat burned from not letting out my tears for my mom. I stopped at a red light. I looked at a man crossing the street. He looked familiar and it wasn't until a turned around when I recognized him. He was the guy I saw, he is David's mate.

I waited for the light to turn green then turned down the street the man walked down. He wasn't that far down the street. I sped up then rolled down the window once I was beside the man.

"Hey, man." The man turned around eyeing me.

"If you plan to kidnap me and rape me, you picked the wrong guy." I smirked at him. I reached for my phone turning it on, seeing that Lucas had texted and called me several times. I replied to the last text.

'Don't ask any questions and send me a picture of David.'

I turned back to the man.

"I plan to ask you to get into the truck and you get into it willingly."

"And why would I do that?" I heard my phone go off.

"Because I have something you want."

"I was taught not to get into the car with strangers sorry." He turned to walk away.

"Wait!" I opens my phone and pressed on the picture.


"He's the one you want." The man looked at the phone and a picture of David with a confused look on his face, with shock.


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