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I walked out of the gym and headed towards my car. Suddenly, I felt someone collide into me. Everything flew out of my hands and I fell to the ground. I felt like I just got tackled by a football player, I thought dryly. I reached out for one of my papers that fell near the person who ran into me. I frowned and looked at the person who ran into me's legs. Those belonged to a girl. What the hell? There's no way a girl run into me that hard. I looked up to find Olivia looking down at me guiltily.

"I'm so sorry, Adam! I didn't mean to run into you that hard." I'm like 5 feet and 7 inches and this girl was way smaller than me. I don't know how she hit me so hard.

"It's fine." I mumbled. She helped me pick up my things. People went around us uncaringly as they practically ran out of school. We stood up as we finished getting all of my stuff.

"Adam?" Olivia looked around nervously.


"How many girls have you slept with?" My jaw dropped. Wow, I was not expecting that. I couldn't keep the blush from forming on my cheeks.

"I-I uh..." I stuttered, real smooth. (Note the sarcasm) "Well, girls aren't exactly throwing themselves at my feet..." God, this is so embarrassing!

"Would you mind coming over tonight?" Why was she suddenly attracted to me? How do I reject her in a way that doesn't have me explaining that I like my male gym teacher?

"I don't think that's a good idea... What about Jason?" Jason was the guy who almost killed me today with his death stare just because I hit Olivia playfully. It's obvious that he'd freak out and beat me up if I touched her. I'm somewhat muscular but there's no way I could take on Jason.

"Just forget about Jason..." She pushed me against the wall and pulled my neck down so our lips met. I was too shocked to do anything at first. I wasn't thinking about how wrong this would be for Jason or how I don't know Olivia as well as I thought I did, what I was thinking about is how much I wished she was Mr. Simons. Her small, petite body was nothing like Mr. Simons' huge and muscular body. Her kissing, although even I could tell she was good at it, didn't make me feel alive like Mr. Simons' did. In fact, knowing that it wasn't him inhaling my face made me feel disgusted and...guilty.

Suddenly, Olivia was ripped off of me and slammed into the wall. I looked up to find Mr. Simons. His eyes were blazing and his fists were trembling from attempting to hold in his anger.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Olivia?" Her eyes widened and even though he wasn't angry at me, I still felt scared.

"I um..." Mr. Simons looked pissed. I wouldn't have been surprised if he turned green and started breaking the walls with his fists yelling, "Hulk, smash!" Well, at least then his clothes would be ripped off...

"If you ever touch him, hell, if you even think about him, I'll rip your throat out... You know what? Leave. But don't think this conversation is over. Go straight to the house now." Wait, the house? They live together? Olivia walked quickly away from us.

Mr. Simons turned to me and I expected to get yelled at. Instead, I felt his lips on mine. His tongue demanded entrance into my mouth. I opened my mouth a little wider and he quickly pushed his tongue into my mouth. I tried to pull away from him but he growled and deepened the kiss. I knew there was no way I could get out of his grasp so I just waited for him to stop. I didn't have to wait long either. He sighed and pulled away from me after I didn't kiss him back. "Look, I know we don't really know each other, but I just feel protective over you."

"You live with Olivia?" I really hoped I kept the hurt out of my voice. His eyebrows pulled together. He seemed confused about the change of subject.

"Yeah, well I mean I used to."

"Isn't that against school policy?" He snorted.

"In my case I think they'd make an exception."


"...Because Olivia is my sister."

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