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As I approached my mother's grave, I felt the beginnings of a panic attack. I haven't been to it in about six years. I would have visited but I knew my father would hate me even more if he found out. He has hated anything that reminded him of my mother. Lucas reached over and kissed me. I blushed but calmed down.

"What was that for?"

"A werewolf's mate is healed by the werewolf's fluids. Kissing you would heal you physically and mentally." I nodded and kept on walking.

Even after all of these years, I made sure I remembered where she was buried. It is in the backyard of a house that she, my father and me used to live in. It was the very first house I lived in. There was a gate blocking our way to the backyard that wasn't there whenever I lived here. Someone else must be living here now. I opened it, not caring on bit that I was trespassing. I walked slowly towards my mother's grave. It had an angel looking down at the ground where she was buried, she was a Christian. If I would have been older, I would have told my father to burry her near the garden where she always wrote her books. I would have also told him to inscribe something else on her tombstone. It didn't talk about the way she had loved and forgiven like no other and it didn't talk about the last words to her son, saying that true love is the strongest type of bond. It plainly said, "Here lies Ivy Grace Daniels Beloved Wife and Mother". It said so little of how much she meant to me. Did the people who move here wonder what her life was like? What she was like? Have they ever even notice the tiny grave behind the trees? The grave was behind the trees, away from sight, just how my father wanted it.


I walked around with my tiny hand holding my mother's. Today was the last day I'd spend with her but I didn't know that, but she didn't seem to. It was almost like she knew she was going to be hit by that truck.

We passed by two guys holding hands.

"Ew." I said.

"Adam, honey." I looked up at her.

"There's something I need you to know. Many people will look down on love, whether it be because of there skin or because of their gender. It's just the way things are. You're father is one of those people and I'm so sorry you believe he is right, your father can be a bad influence. When you get older and you want to marry someone, what would you do if they didn't want to marry you because you had brown hair?" I frowned.

"Why would they do that? I can't help that, it's the way I am."

"Exactly honey. People who like the same gender, can't help that they do, it's who they are."

"Then why does dad say that they chose to be disgusting?" My mother winced.

"Your father is wrong. They aren't disgusting, it's who they are. Nothing about it is disgusting. No matter what your father says know this; many people go around thinking they are in love when they aren't. I don't want you to settle for anything less, anyone less than the person you are in love with. Love is strong, yes, but true love is the strongest type of bond and once you find it, don't run away, no matter what. Got it?" I nodded with wide eyes.

These were the last words my mother said to me. I tried ignoring my father when he talked bad about homosexuality but over the years of constantly hearing it, I just sort of started believing it.

But I would never make that mistake again. Love is love. True love is true love. And true love is the strongest type of bond. And I shared that bond with the person beside me. Lucas.

I felt Lucas grab my hand and squeeze it.  I haven't had anyone to rely on since my mother, and that was six years ago. I dropped to my knees in front of her grave with Lucas' hand still attached to mine. So much has changed in not only me but also my father. If she knew how my father treated me now, she would have left him and taken me with her. But she's not here and she didn't know he would turn into a guy who can barely keep a job for a month and who ignores his son.

"Adam, I'm sorry to interrupt but the people inside noticed us. They are talking about coming to us to see why we're here." I nodded and stood back up.

"Let them come." I kissed him briefly. "Thanks for bringing me."

"As I said, anything you want." Just then, a man came out of the back door, walking towards us. Once he reached us, he eyed us curiously.

"What are you two doing here?"

"I wanted to see my mother's grave." His eyebrows furrowed.

"Why haven't I seen you here before?"

"My father...he doesn't like to visit." The man nodded. Lucas spoke next.

"We are not here for territory rights, I wasn't aware there were werewolves in the area. I understand we came on your territory and I came on it with the knowledge you were werewolves, I apologize but our only purpose was to visit this grave."

"I understand the need to please a mate and as for werewolves being in the area, we are the only ones."

"How did you know we were mates?" I asked. The man smiled.

"That's one of my abilities, knowing how strong and what type of a relationship there is."

"What's the other one?"

"Knowing how much power someone has or can have." Lucas immediately stepped in front of me.

Lucas spoke with aggression, "If you even think about hurting or taking my mate, you'll regret it."

"I mean no harm. I know he is the chosen one and I wish for his safety." Lucas relaxed some.

"You two can come any time you'd like. I want to please the chosen one in any way I can." He looked over his shoulder and called out. "Can you come here for a moment, dear?" Before I could blink, a women was beside him. She had this look on her face that reminded me of something I knew if I encountered, I would dread, a fangirl.

"Hi, I'm Carrie Thompson and this is my husband and mate, Zach Thompson. So you two are mates?" We both nodded. "You two are so cute together!! Look at them, Zach. I mean I've hardly ever seen a same sex couple who are mates. I know there are many out there but we're in a small town..." She kept talking and talking. Her husband wore an apologetic and pained expression. After what had to be five minutes she calmed down and just smiled at us somewhat stalkerishly.

Lucas smiled politely and responded. "Well, if Adam doesn't mind, we'll be leaving now. I promised my mate a date tonight." Carrie got wide eyes as she got excited again and opened her mouth to speak but Zach cut her off before she could.

"That's perfectly fine. Again, come here any time you like."

"We will. Adam do you still want that date?" I smiled up at him.

"I'm not going to let you get out of our first date now am I?...It was a pleasure to meet you both."

"The pleasure was ours." And with that Lucas picked me up and ran back to South Carolina. We got there in about ten minutes.

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