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"I'm hungry." I complained when we were in front of my house. His brightened.

"I know this place that we can go to. Let's go get my car at the school first."

When we were at school and in front of his car, I went to open the car door but he opened it before I could. I rolled my eyes.

"Really? I'm not a girl." He closed the door and in less than a second he was on the driver's side and had already gotten into the car. He slammed the door shut. He put the keys in the ignition and started the car.

"I know you're not a girl." Soon he backed out and we were on the road.

"... So where are we going? And if you say it's a surprise, I swear I'll punch you in the face."

"It's a surprise." He grabbed my fist before I could punch him playfully. "I don't want you to hurt yourself, Adam. I was just joking."

"Well, I hate surprises."


"Tell me where we are going." I whined.

"Who knew I'd have a mate that complains so much."

"Well, you're stuck with me."

"I know it sucks doesn't it?" I pouted.

"Quit being an a hole and just tell me."

"Just wait. It's not that hard." I smirked.

"That's what she said." He rolled his eyes.


"Says the teacher dating a high schooler."

"Touche." Lucas said as we pulled into a parking lot of a restaurant called "Lizzy's Grill." He got out of the car and went to the other side and opened the door on my side. He shut it back after I got out.

"Please don't pull out my chair when we get inside."

"Okay, I won' long as you let me ask you five questions."

"Can I choose what they're about?"

"No." I sighed.

"Fine." I said as we entered the restaurant. A lady who looked exactly like the stereotypical grandmother welcomed us both politely and talked to Lucas as she seated us.

When we were seated, she handed us the menu and hurried to another couple who just entered the door. I read all the options on the menu which was only about a page long. I felt someone staring at me and looked up to find Lucas looking at me.


"You just look so cute when you're concentrated." My cheeks burned. I would have laughed about how unnatural it sounded for someone Lucas' size to say cute, if it hadn't had embarrassed me.

"I'm not cute."

"Whatever you say..." We slipped into a comfortable silence until the woman who seated us asked us what we wanted to drink. I got a coke, he got a sweet tea. After the woman went to get our drinks Lucas asked, "What is the biggest secret about you?"

"What are we, six year old girls playing truth or dare?"

"We agreed I could ask any five questions, didn't we?" I sighed.

"It would have to be that my eyes turn red when I'm angry."

"Fine, what about your second biggest secret."

"That counts as another question."

"No it doesn't!" I nodded.

"Yes it does... My second biggest secret would have to be... I um... I have panic attacks. They started ever since my mother died. A lot of people who knew before I kept it a secret would say that I needed to stop having panic attacks because my mother had died a long time ago." I remembered the way people had talk behind my back telling their friends that I should have gotten over it already.


I thought when someone's parents died, everyone looked at them with pity. And I suppose everyone did, until the weeks started passing, then I just became annoying. My panic attacks interupted everyone when they talked about their mothers. Everyone told me to just get over it, including my teachers. But how was I supposed to get over it when I had no one, not even my father?

I stayed though, I stayed in that dumbass town until someone else's mom died by cancer. Maybe it was fate, maybe it just happened. Either way my father didn't want to see the aftermath of another mother's death and so the moving began. Did the kid who saw his mother die deserve some comfort, maybe. Maybe not. After all, he's the one who always said to get over my mother's death, he should do the same. Except, I didn't think like that, I never have, no matter what he said so long ago.

"Adam, they had no right to treat you like that." I smirked darkly.

"Didn't they though? I'm just the guy who is still grieving over his dead mother who died six years ago and has no one to share what I'm going through with." I got up abruptly, my hunger gone, and walked quickly towards the door. I saw the grandmother type lady make her way towards Lucas.

"Is everything all right alpha?" If I would have cared about what she was saying at the moment, I would have realized she was a werewolf, but I didn't care, I just had to get away.

"Hold on." Lucas replied and he followed me out the door. I began walking down the street aimlessly, I had no idea where we were. Lucas was in front of me in a flash and grabbed hold of my shoulders to stop me.

"Adam, quit running away from me. I never want you to leave me... You are worth so much more than you think so."


It was about a month after my mother had died, I went into the living room where my father was watching TV. It was like he wasn't even watching it, he saw the pictures but it didn't register. That is until he saw two guys kissing. It was a quick peck but still my father gagged in shame.

"God Adam, that's just disgusting. All people like that are, are fags, nothing more." It was the first time in the past month that my father had even looked at me so I did the only thing I could do. I agreed.

And every time the subject came up between my father and I, I agreed. I also agreed when my father said that I should be able to control myself. Apparently panic attacks only happen to weak "men". After all who would want someone who couldn't even contol themselves, much less a relationship?

"I'm sorry, Lucas."

"For what?"

"I'm sorry you're stuck with me. Look, I can't even control myself much less a relationship, besides no one wants the little weak fag."

"Don't you ever call yourself that again, you hear me?... When I first saw you, I could have rejected you as a mate. It would have hurt both of us but it's been done before. I didn't reject you though. I want all of you, Adam. Your wonderful scent, your old soul that shines through your eyes, your sometimes awkward behavior. Don't you get it Adam? I'm not forced to be with you. I wanted you. I chose you. And I won't let you walk away from me thinking that I don't love you. I love you, Adam. Already, I love you with everything I have so please, don't leave me." No one has ever told me they loved me besides my mother. As hard as it was to believe, I knew, looking into Lucas' deep blue eyes, that he meant it, he loves me. And I may be starting to love him back.

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