Snow scratched at mine face and thin, brisk air nipped at mine nose as I attempted to walk against the eternal storm. I could barely see my shoes, ne'ermind where I was headed. "Thor? Thor! Where hast thou been taken?" I yelled, o'er and o'er again. By Odin, I could not see him anywhere. Allow me to explain...

T'hast been a fortnight since I hath last seen the likes of mine own brother, if I should even call him that, given the... circumstances.

I hath lost him... and t'was completely accidental. Who am I to pull such a trick on someone as deserving as he? Surely, after that which he and Odin and Frigga hid from me for all those years, one might think him to expect this. Either way, the fault dost not fall to mine own self.

After the so called events of the last night I hast lain eyes upon him, I knew not where to turn. He hast been evidently taken by Fárbauti, as the letter left behind conveyed, but who was I to search for him? Certainly the most obvious, but most absolutely not the most willing nor the most eligible.

Though, with no one else by my side, I came looking for him alone, knowing Odin would not allow my sending of an army to fetch the king after seemingly misplacing him.

Upon arriving upon Jötunheimr via Bifrost and with the help of Heimdall, I began to walk and search for him. Before long, I arrived at a structure of ice only to be utterly surprised by what I saw. He hast been chained... locked up, just like I hast been. How't hurt me to see him like that.

"Fárbauti!" I yelled o'er the whirling winds and dallying snow. His head spun around and he glared at me with his frost ridden and darkened eyes. "What hast thou done?" I cried out, walking cautiously towards him.

"Mmmmm!" Thor struggled to speak from beneath the cloth that hath covered his mouth. I held mine self back from breaking all the bounds that hath seemed to compose me.

"Set him- set mine brother free this instant!" I scoffed up at Fárbauti in his throne, beyond angrily.

"Know thy place, boy," he trailed off. "This bastard is neither thine flesh nor thine blood."

"I beg thine pardon, Fárbauti, but he is simply not thine to take. This is not up for discussion nor is't thy place," I grumbled.

"Perhaps not on Asgard, no, as thither, t'certainly would not be mine place. Jotünheimr, however, is rightfully mine. Hither, those who choose to dwell in the shadows art mine to rule."

I squinted my eyes, "so thou art just going to—"

"Yes. I am."

"And, to what end?" I asked, stepping e'er-closer.

"To the end of his rule on Asgard, of course," he answered.

"But, wherefore?"

"I hath grown weary of Odin and of his descendants," he started, his red eyes glaring down at me. "He remains an oppressor of all the rest of the realms. We were supposed to live in peace together, all nine of us. Odin ruined that, he did!"

"And this is the solution thou alone hast decided would be best?"

"There is no other way, son," he called down. "This is the only way Asgard shall hearken to mine call to equality. Thor only took the place of his father, as I know thou shall mention, but he hast hath time to fix those deadly paternal mistakes and did naught!"

"So thou rule to capture and slay him? Thou shall forge a war!"

"T'is only a war if both sides truly believe that they art right, that they art the so-called 'good guys.' I suppose that is what brings thou and mine own self onto the same plane of being," he pointed out. "Perhaps that is something to think upon, son, whether or not thou actually believe thou art right in that which thou art doing hither and what thine intentions art... in what thou protect and put thy faith in... or, should I say, who thou protect and that which he represents. Just glimpse at e'erything around thou. Take't all in. Think about how t'is all tied together - to thou, to him, to this place, to the place whence thou came - dost thou not see that thou and I both fight solely in this moment to get back what t'is rightfully ours? This makes us the same."

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