I need not such things to be free.

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T'hast been a whole day I hath remained hither in this cell to no end.

I know not that which I hath done, the guards simply plucked me from the streets of Asgard late the other night and put me hither without explanation. I at least deserve that much, doth I not?

There is naught hither for me. Verity, I might be able to practice magic and perhaps mother might visit me in mine own solitude, but whatever for? She knows as well as I doth that the crime I hath been framed for is likely something I could hath very possibly done in the reality of things.

They hope that thou should believe them over me.

I assure thou, brother, whatever the guards hath explained about me and mine own guiltiness is a lie! I would never risk... all of that which I hath gained these past few months. Believe me.

I beg of thee, retrieve me and I shall be forever in thine debt.


I hast sent that to him this morrow, hoping that he might read't in good time and get me out of this Hel hole. By Odin, the mentality of these hither barbarians is truly beyond me.

I hoped he would arrive hither by nightfall, as that is when all the terrors art rumored to... begin. I hath no desire to determine what is truly meant by this, however. And, yet, t'is nearly dusk and I feel as though my solace may never arrive. How pitiful of me to assume the crown would suit him for the better.

As darkness fell over the cells surrounding me, I heard those monstrosities digging through the walls... digging through holes they hath already dug, but simply covered anew before dawn. T'was only a matter of time before the real local Asgardian thieves, murderers and other horrid criminals made their way in hither to hath thine way with me.

I sat upon my solemn stool that I hast been provided and awaited the inevitable. I removed my royal green and gold trench coat and placed't down, then ruffled up mine own hair so that I might hath a chance of fitting in, even for a sole moment.

The wall crumbled and three men covered in dirt approached me with smug grins plastered to thine faces like they hath just uncovered gold.

"Well," the one began. "If t'is not his royal highness' brother, the pretty ol' court jester."

I looked him up and down as if the insult meant naught to me. "Court jester," I scoffed. "What, then, might that make thou?"

"Me?" he chuckled, pointing to himself and inching closer with his friends. "What dost thou presume I am?" He got rather close, allowing me to realize that he hast been much taller and larger than I, as well as more massive than Thor himself.

"A peasant," I laid out.

"And thou, a bastard, then," he looked down upon me with wretched brown eyes and light brown hair dangling in his face.

"A powerful one, at least," I pointed out.

"Then wherefore art thou hither, o'powerful one?" he mocked me as his friends laughed behind him.

I looked upon them all and concocted a story all mine own. "Murder; not that t'is a first for me, though... t'is only the first time I hath been caught," I played with my hair, pretending as if t'was nothing.

He said naught at first. "A murderer in mine presence? How good to finally meet another," he smiled with crooked teeth. "Well, the prattle hast been fun, verity... but I see t'is about time thou bend over and just... let me."

"Let thou?" I lilted my voice, hoping to throw them off.

"Oh?" he sounded shocked and somehow displeased. "Thou want't, then?"

I chuckled. "Want't?" I looked at the men in the back whose faces hast been contorted in utter awe. This was mine chance. "Methinks desire and need art better terms, boy."

I allowed green flames to envelope mine body as I shifted before them, taking on the appearance of a goddess Thor and I hath met but once, which, was enough for me to replicate her, oddly enough.

My flowing pristine gown lain'tself upon the ground as a gilded headpiece landed upon mine white-blonde hair and a corset of unimaginable lace and pattern landed against my torso.

"By Odin," the eyes of the man before me widened as they set thine gaze upon the new momentary me.

"Art thou familiar with me?" I asked, my voice taking that of the goddess I hast become.

"Yes, Lady Freya Njorddottir," he bowed his head. "We art truly aware of thine incomparable beauty."

"Then, surely, thou art familiar with mine friend," I stated, my body engulfing in flames yet again.

I stood at seven feet tall and towered over them all, and that was before levitating a few inches from the ground. I narrowed my eyes down at them as the green and black armor I donned finished forming.

They said naught again. "Hela Odinsdottir-" the two behind the man in the front dropped to thine knees. "I- thought thou-"

"Hath perished in Hel as the rumors say?" I cackled. "Please. I remain the goddess of death, I cannot die in mine own right. But, thou can, and thou shall if thou choose to remain hither for even a moment longer."

"Yes, her majesty," he mumbled before running and crawling out that damned hole anew.

I lowered to the ground and allowed my body to retake'ts natural shape.

"Well, that certainly was a show," I heard from behind mine own self.

I turned around. "Thor, when did thou-"

"A moment ago," he replied. "Though, I decided to watch what thou might doth without me before intervening."

I smirked. "Well, I suppose I-"

"T'is alright, thou art aware, that thou use thine abilities," he assured me. "Thou cannot control that which thou art born as."

"A bastard, thou imply?"

"Loki," he walked closer. "Surely, that is what thou art considered to some, but father claimed thou as his own- thou art not truly a bastard in any sense of the word. Thou art my brother, truly."

A smile reached mine cheeks. "I thank thee," I replied. "Though, there is no need for such goodness. Thou art king; thou doth not need the likes of me anymore."

"The likes of thou?" he lilted. "By Odin, thou surely doth not mean those horrid words. I should make't so that I always need thine humble personage," he bowed slightly.

"Stop, brother, please," I halted him. "Bowing doth not become thou as a king."

"I would hath't as I please, thou should know."

"But't only shows weakness," I relayed. "Dost thou not see?"

"Dost thou not see?" he came back, grabbing mine face between his palms and bringing his face up to mine own. "I am all right with this idea of remaining weak in thine presence. With thou, I doth not need power nor might. Those art easily found elsewhere."

"His majesty surely doth not mean those kind words," I responded, my cheeks burning crimson.

He came closer so that his forehead met mine and his nose tickled against the one across from't. "Verity, brother, I meant every word," he whispered, his lips immediately wetting mine own and burning my cheeks anew.

I pulled away reluctantly. "Hath care what thou doth in public, Thor," I mumbled.

"They cannot see us, I am sure of't," the assured me. "And, even if they can, what should they doth to punish the King of Asgard?"

"Yes, thou art right, though... would't not be more sensible to approach thine chambers in the stead of remaining hither?" I wondered.

"Thou hast always been the more astute of the two of us," he smiled. "We shall be on our way, then."

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