Time shows thine demons art more,

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Thor hast been in and out of Asgard of late so frequently that I hath been named Reagent in his place. In other words, when he is unable to make important decisions due to absence, I shall make them in his stead.

T'is not easy, believe me in mine own right, but I suppose he is needed by others just as much as he is needed hither by Asgard- and by me.

This morrow, he is set to return by Bifrost, as Heimdallr mentioned to me last nightfall; he was with the former Avengers helping out on Midgard with some mortal tasks and whatnot. I, personally, felt as though things of such little importance might be able to be taken up by the likes of Tony Stark or Steve Rogers- unless they art too deep in quarrel to even help thine own selves.

Pitiful, truly.

I awaited his return in the throne room to act as though I hast not even been aware of his arrival; perhaps that way, I might appear aloof and... austere.

By high noon, he stormed into the throne room in a rampage.

"Leave us!" he shouted at the Berserkers and Valkyrie among me. They did as they were told and I remained in his royal chair trying to conceal mine smile upon my cheeks. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Good to see thou anew, too, brother," I replied. "T'hast truly been some months- nearly a year."

"Yes, t'hast. All the more reason for me to be engulfed in this rage!" he yelled. "Wherefore hast thou not greeted me at the palace gates? T'was meant to be a royal handoff of the crown I hast bestowed upon thou as Reagent- an event for the people of Asgard and a very old, very required formality."

"I see," I began. "I must hath misunderstood thou, then. Forgive me," I stood from his throne and approached him, removing the coronet from mine head and handing't to him. "I am sure thou prefer thine larger headdress to this lowly diadem- should I fetch thine crown, Majesty?"

He took the coronet from mine hand and walked away, towards a table and placed't down. I followed him and stood there, aside him. He grabbed mine wrists and pinned me to the wall, allowing me to feel the electricity jolt the very skin he touched- hath he been attempting to frighten me?

"Loki, enough with thine games!" he demanded.

I smiled and puffed green smoke as I disappeared before his very eyes and reappeared behind him.

"But, brother," I replied in my smaller voice. "Thou used to love our games."

He turned around to meet mine eyes, but was surprised when he noticed I was two feet shorter and about 300 years younger.

"By Odin, Loki?" he wondered, kneeling before me.

"T'is I, dost thou not recognize thine own younger brother as I was at 16?"

"I doth," he answered, not quite sure what to make of what was happening.

"But, thou surely doth not remember everything," I prodded.

"I d- to what art thou referring?"

I smirked up at him and grew back to my normal height and age with a green glow upon mine skin, simply allowing the thought that he hast forgotten something dire sink in.

"Simply unfortunate, verily, that only I remain of those that hitherto recall; mayhap t'is better this way," I implied.

"Tell me, then," he requested, walking at me as I walked backward and away.

"And if I refuse?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Then I would have thou jailed for treachery and blackmail, then I shall torture thou mine self for thine information."

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