or immediate lament.

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I awoke from a fitful slumber at first light, unable to fall back into any sort of rest. I rose from my bed and approached the mirror upon the wall, my mind still blank from having woken so recently.

Upon examining my bloodshot eyes and ashen complexion, I was reminded of that which I had nearly forgotten and watched as my cheeks filled with a bit more than a little rubicund.

What a remembrance that was, as e'erything rushed back to me all at once.

T'was early enough for me to direct my steps to Thor's chambers and find him still in an intoxicated slumber, but not too early that t'would seem irregular, in fact.

This was not my way of seeking him out or attempting to find him in his underthings in the guise of a man simply wishing to talk with his brother, no. I truly did wish to hath a word with him about e'erything hitherto unspoken.

Without a second thought, or even bothering to dress mine own self, I made my way down the gilded, royal hall. I hast been at one end while he remained at the other; this is how't hath always been.

The imperial guards that were stationed at our quarters throughout the night looked upon me as if I hath been some sort of deranged bedlamite, walking openly in my underthings and covered only by mere royal, silk, emerald robe. A care in all of Asgard I hath not, for this conversation forthcoming would be of far greater importance.

With a wave of my hand, a green zephyr stormed his colossal double doors and sent them loudly open. I peered upon his grand mattress and watched as he did not even flinch at neither the sound nor the magical gale.

"By Odin's name, Thor, wake!" I shouted, magically lighting the candles within the room with green flames at the sound of my voice, but, to no avail.

I approached him and waved my hand again, slamming the massive doors shut. I stood beside him as he snored loudly, inconsiderately and remained unmoved.

I waved my fingers and sat him up, only to toss him to the floor on the other side of the bed on which he hath lain.

He grumbled and, eventually, stood. "Loki? What business hath thou in my quarters at daybreak?" he muttered, sounding still deep within a slumber.

"What business hath I?" I challenged him. "Thor, thou art a lunatic, and I take't thou art aware already."

"No," he replied hazily. "I know not of that which thou speak. What, pray tell, is't?"

"How is't unbeknownst to thee and, yet, I hath known for weeks now?" I pondered. "Look, Thor, I know not what thou intend, or even that thou intend anything at all... but, this must stop immediately."

"This?" he went on. "What, by Odin, dost thou propose I take from that?"

"This," I told him. "Us. All of this nonsense we hath been getting lost in. The coronation is soon and we must not lose sight of that. All of the dancing and helping and supposed friendliness is seen by mine own eyes as none other than gadding about. This cannot be, Thor. 'Tis not right and, perhaps, 'tis better that way."

He waited. "I suppose, if thou really doth take't as such, thou art right. Forgive me and mine own horrid judgement for thinking we were finally beginning to be brothers again, Loki."

"No, Thor, 'tis not wha-"

"Enough," he silenced me. "Thou art wasting thine own breath. Dost thou not see't? Thou hath become a monster of that which thou once where, and I see no need to befriend the likes of someone of that sort."

"No, Thor, dost thou not see?" I returned. "Thou rant and rage about this monster I hath become, but, thou - Thor - thou art the author of e'erything I am. Thou-"

"The only one who fashioned thou this way was thou. 'Tis o'er now, just as thou wished't to be. I was wrong to think thee a friend."


"I bid thee good day."

I stopped just thither and thought that t'was nothing lost if I had nothing to lose to begin with. Did I? Is't possible that thither was nothing, not even friendship, thither for me to lose sight of entirely and feel no remorse?

Either way, I left the room with a wave of my hand to open and slam the massive doors at his threshold. I would get dressed and carry on with my day... alone, anew.

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