But, I am the King, said the other,

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T'was the beginning and the end of eras, this day, t'was Thor's coronation... and I was unsure how to feel.

I understand wherefore Odin wishes to step down from a place of such importance, but I, myself, would ne'er. Perhaps t'is my sole need for power that compels me to say such things, or mayhap my divine nature.

Either way't be, he hast decided upon his own fate and will be handing the crown to his buffoon of a son in a matter of minutes.

We all stood around in the royal throne room where Thor kneeled before his parents, Frigga and Odin, as they sat upon their gilded, high thrones.

As one who doth know much of Midgardian coronations in a historical sense due to mine own in-depth-readings and researches, I find that their and our ideas doth not intermingle. European dynasties crowned monarchs in the name of a sole God under the hand of a divine Archbishop. Hither, we hath the King pass't down to his successor, as he should. T'is symbolic of a loss of power for one and a gain for the other and shows dignity in both aspects of't all.

"All-powerful Odin," Thor started, "the honored architect of this thy realm, give ear I beseech thee, to mine obsecration, and multiply thy favor upon me, thy son, who in thy name, with all humble devotion, thou shall consecrate as thine King. I behest thine peoples defense upon me always alongside that of thine mighty hand, that thou protect me on e'ery side, that I may be able to o'ercome all of mine enemies; and that with Loki, and Balder, Volstagg, and Fandral, Hogun, and Heimdall, and other sovereign and honorable men, I may multiply and rejoice, in the fruit of the womb of mine bride-to-be, Sif, to the honor of Asgard, and the good rule of mine realm, through thou, father, who cleansed this galaxy of horrors in thine exalted life with valor, so that thou might redeem the realms, and with whom I liveth and reigneth in unity and harmony to forge a bridge between hither and Valhalla, the realm without end."

Odin stood and plucked his crown from his heavy head and held't above that of Thor. Frigga stood next and took't from his hands as he retreated back to his throne for the final time.

"Almighty and e'erlasting Odin," she began, "we beseech thee of thy abundant goodness, pour out the ethos of thy rulership and blessing upon this thy son, Thor; that as by this royal ceremony, he is this day crowned King, so he may, by thy sanction, continue always as thy chosen ruler, through thou, Odin, our revered founder and protector."

She placed the gilded diadem upon his head as he kneeled before her, his red cloak laid out behind him to show his victory and honor e'erlasting. Her hands remained upon the crown as she recited the next of her speech.

"Receive the crown of majesty, honor, and might;" she continued, "this crown of thine glorified patriarch, who by mine sovereign hands, though most unworthy, hath this day set this crown of pure gold upon thy head; enrich thou with wisdom and righteousness, that after this life, thou may liveth and reigneth alongside thine ancestors perpetually as immortals in Valhalla."

Odin rose and looked upon his son, sending Frigga back to her throne.

"Accept this ring," he commenced with his booming voice of authority, "the seal of a sincere crowned head, that thou may avoid all infection of treachery and treason, and by the power endowed upon mine own self, Odin, I hearken thee to compel barbarous realms, and bring them to the knowledge of the truth of peace hither upon Asgard."

Odin placed the gilded ring upon the fourth finger of the right hand of Thor. As he lowered his hand, he picked up Mjolnir and turned to face us all, low upon the ground as Odin stood behind him at a greater height.

"I grant this authority unto mine son, Thor, our King, that he may order aright, the high dignity he hath obtained, and with profound integrity, establish the might and glory I hath given him, through this thy majestic crown, honorable ring and worthy hammer," he opened his arms and presented us with our new ruler.

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