Let in thine demons,

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Just as I habitually doth e'ery evenfall, I found myself at the Asgardian Royal Library at the Palace reading some old folklore about yet another creature I seemed to know nothing about.

I hath finished the sections on Midgardian Vampire and Werewolf species in the Vampirica Encyclopedias, kept deep within the section I oft' found myself within, all in one sitting. T'was rather interesting, in fact. I even read up on current Midgardian interpretations of these beings and noted that modern hominids seem to hath convinced themselves nothing out of the ordinary hath ne'er existed- the works I perused included the Twilight, the Teen Wolf and The Vampire Diaries series'.

These legends art always extraordinarily interesting to me, especially as Midgardian ones tend to remain out of modern society. No wonder the so called 'men of letters' and 'learned persons' of Midgard accidentally summoned extraterrestrial activity upon managing to activate a foreign body such as the Tesseract- they art completely in the dark because they refuse to see the things that remain directly before them.

T'is a shame, really, that they neglect to praise the idiosyncratic and super-abled ones within their communities and hold them as Kings and Queens as we doth hither upon Asgard.

Today, I flipped through something rather terrifying to a God like mine own self- to admit this, truly, is to say a lot.

I read about a place called Heliopolis, also known as Overvoid or Othervoid. T'is a celestial city in a dimension adjacent to that of Midgard, founded by the gods who were once worshipped in Egypt upon Midgard- very similarly to the fact that Norse gods, such as myself and Thor, were also worshiped by humans at some point. This godly realm appears to be built upon a small planetary object, much like this very realm of Asgard, and'ts passage to Midgard is a golden bridge through space called the Path of the Gods, similar to our Bifröst protected by our all-hearing and all-seeing diety, Heimdallr. There is also mention of Grog, a member of the race of gods who hast earned the ominous title The God-Slayer... as well as the Egyptian underworld, Duat, which is not much different from our Hel, ruled by our sister, Hela.

T'is truly interesting, all of this- and t'is wherefore I choose to become so enveloped within't.

And, so, I was simply seated at a table - the one I favored most in the entirety of the library - and was reading this lore on Heliopolis, nothing on my mind beside this matter.

I went to replace the book where I hath found't and, as I placed't back on the shelf and retrieved the second work of the series, I heard a shuffle about in the surrounding areas.

I paused and moved neither a single ell nor breathed a single breath. Was't someone I hath known or someone with whom I hath quarreled coming hither to avenge a wrongdoing? I would await their next motion thither silently and stilly.

A footstep proceeded. T'was I who hath been being watched but... by whom?

I scoured the region to see naught about. I should speak before thine approach.

"Who goes thither?" I asked relatively loudly, considering the area of the library in which I remained, listing to mine own voice echo throughout the bookshelves. I waited and no one responded. "I warn thou not to prepare a cannonade against the likes of me  - an Acolyte of Frigga and Mage in sorcery..." I came to a halt, beginning to worry. The azure tinted tome cover began to smolder and incandesce with a verdigris ambience or sort of emanation as I levitated't above my hand as a weapon, the parchment pages rippling with viridescent flames and searing hot ash. "I am a God- Hel! I am Loki-"

"Loki?" Came a disembodied, curious male voice from an unknown location nearby. "Brother of Thor?"

I felt my face burn red rather than blue for once in my life as I spun around to face the voice as't seemingly stood behind me.  "How dar-"

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