with them, comes vigor.

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Would regret loom in the air that which surrounds him if he were to enter a room in which I resided, I wondered, before the thing hath been done yesterday evening? No, I hoped, t'should not. Regret is not a word I would wish to associate with such actions, actions I doth not repent.

Perhaps yearning is a better word, in fact, as't would properly demonstrate the desires held within ourselves that we must not act upon at just any moment. Yes, longing fits much better.

T'is this urge, this thirst, this lust that we each very obviously possess for the other that cannot be subdued eternally. T'is to that exact end that I must speak with him this morrow before he hast the opportunity to make us both vulnerable in our dishonor, as't may appear. We shall not be exposed to the rest of the royal court, as only dangers may follow such things.

To his quarters I approach steadfastly, as this is no matter for debate.

Without even a knock at his towering doors, I strode past his guards and waved my hand, flinging the doors open at mine will... and closing them swiftly behind all the same.

Before I even hast a chance to form an utterance, I felt the full force of falling buildings clamor my chest as I hit the ground. T'was Mjolnir, as well as Thor, upon me.

His gaze fell upon me like the heat of a thousand stars as a scarlet rage loomed in his somehow still blue eyes.

"Loki-" he began, baffled upon that which he hath lain his eyes. I attempted to formulate a word or a sentence or something... but I stumbled and nothing came out at all. "I knew not t'was thou," he went on, moving naught.

"T'is all right," I managed to say, still below the crippling weight of his mighty, immovable hammer. As I gazed down upon him, I noticed he hast remained nearly nude, as he was certainly changing from his robes to his day clothes. "Thou art undraped," I plucked from mine lungs.

"Yes, t'appears so," he looked at me. "And thou art clad, in fact."

"I hath reasons for which I must speak with thou, brother," I intercepted his rather suggestive thought.

"Understood," he agreed. "However, whilst thou art hither and I remain in such a disrobed state of being," his face came closer to mine own and his golden locks brushed upon my face. "Perhaps, all I mean to say is that, t'would be but a waste for us to not use this as something more, is all."

"Well," I contemplated as his lips rested just above mine so that I might not be able to reach them without being e'er so obviously sinful. "I suppose if thou art already thither and I remain half way, t'only makes sense."

"Indeed, Loki," he agreed, his hot breath coaxing me closer. He pulled Mjolnir from my chest and cast't aside, truly positioning himself above me as if I hast been unclad already mine own self. I felt his tumescence between my limbs  and could not stop the sweat from accumulating upon mine own brow in anticipation. He still hast yet to place his lips upon mine and I already ache for him within me.

"Now, then, because there simply shall not be another junction for this later," I warned, already losing mine own breath.

"Doth I truly instill such desire within thou that thou art utterly flummoxed?"

"Thou doth, I assure thee," I smirked. "But I.... I require a buss as an ailment."

"Speak no more," he stopped me, grabbing my face with his massive hand and taking mine lips into his. T'was warm unlike anything else I hath experienced alike; almost elegant in'ts own beastly, animalistic way.

He bit down upon the nether of mine two lips, casting my head back in pleasure unlike any other. I hath not experienced enough of this likeness until now to truly call mine own self a masochist... but, I suppose that may truly be my most veracious self under all those self-fabricated falsehoods. I shall embrace this notion.

I moaned into what little air separated us as he hast moved my collar away from mine own neck and begun to suck and bite on the delicate skin. I wanted him to ne'er cease.

"Boys?" We heard Odin yell from the hall between our two rooms. He stopped and looked o'er at me in unmitigated horror. "Hurry down to the throne room. There is much about which we must converse."

"We shall join thou, father, ere long," Thor called out, still atop my personage.

"Get off me," I whispered.

"Anon, brother," he assured me. "I just wish to feel thou for a moment more."

And, just as he hast said he should, his body was off of mine own in a moments time. Though, in the meantime, he hath thrusted between my limbs for simple pleasure of his own and torture of mine own. How he knew what those little actions did to me!

Either way, though, as we headed down, I made certain he was aware of my terms: this state of being seemingly together remains between us two and any four walls within which we might remain.

He agreed, and that was that.

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