t'is only reassured

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"Now then, Loki, how hast thou managed to doth that?" He asked with a chuckle.

I looked down at myself, "I, honestly, could not tell thee," I answered breathily.

The cut was deep and, to be fair, I had not even felt't until he mentioned't. Going straight through my pants, the slice went into my upper thigh. I suppose I was merely in shock.

"Truly, brother, I know not," I admitted.

"We hath best get thou down to the infirmary... we doth not want that to get infected," he pointed out.

"T'is fine, Thor, really. T'feels fine. We need not worry the nurses."

"I prithee, let me help," he said, beginning to guide me to one of the golden, arched doorways leading out to a dead end, unvisited hallway. "Sit," he demanded, pointing to a gilded chair. "I shall return, Loki. Doth not move."

I did as I was told because, to be fair, I minded not when he did that too much...

As I sat thither, I wondered what on Asgard he hast been doing. Hath he left me hither to suffer, as part of some sort of jape? On Odin's name, nay, t'is something I, myself, would be more inclined to doth.

He arrived back in a few short moments with sanitive supplies with which to heal me. He must hath gone to the infirmary and taken them from the nurses before they became aware of his presence.

"I thank thee, brother, truly. Thou doth not hath t-"

"Doth not waste thine breath telling me that which I am already aware," he interrupted. "I wish only to help thee, Loki, t'is wherefore I remain hither."

I kept mine eyes locked with his as he lowered to his knees. I attempted to swallow the lump that had begun to form in my throat. He looked down at the rest of me - at my leg, I presume.

"Well?" I said, slicing this feeling that hath formed in the air with my words which acted as a blade. He seemed taken out of his element, as if I hast caught him off guard.

He flashed a nervous smile at me before looking down at my leg- at that which he was to fix.

"Right, so, Loki... I know not how else to reach this cut without thou- removing thine own clothes."

I hesitated. "Of course," I finally replied, shedding myself of mine own trousers. Holy Hel, was't getting hot hither?

I then looked down at him as he kneeled thither before me, solely looking upon me and awaiting my next movement. Methinks, in that moment, I lost all bounds in mine own thoughts. Perchance t'was merely an o'erstep yet, somehow, I seem to hath thought he hast a completely different intent buzzing across his blundering brain.

Natheless, I continued on and sat myself down anew in the gilded chair. I tried to look him not in those fair eyes of his, though't felt inescapable and completely unavoidable.

He simply quizzed that which was before him so that he might hath a better idea of how't might be approached.

"T'does not appear well, brother. Art thou of the most prime surety that thou art unaware of how this became of thee? Hath't been a bodkin by an assassin? Loki, whence did thou come?" He asked, concerned.

"To be honest, Thor, as I always intend to be, methinks t'was, potentially, the poking about I hath done earlier this evening at the armory," I caved with a smile.

"Thou art truly a rapscallion, art thou not?"

I chortled at his assumption, "surely thou know me as better than that."

"No, Loki. As a matter of fact, I am rather sure that no one really knows anything about thee."

"Well, I-"

"Loki, let us not discuss thou and thine mental whereabouts at this current moment. Dost thou recall that which led to this laceration? One would not be pleased with saturnism upon healing a-"

"T'was not lead, brother, I am not that much of a buffoon. Methinks t'was silver- nay! T'was in fact gold. A gold, gleaming sword, indeed."

"And if thou hath lost thine own leg, what then?"

"That, I did not."

"Yes, but the potentiality, Loki... t'was thither!"

"But I am fine! Barely scathed! Now, get on with this or I shall be forced to make mine own way to the nurses at the infirmary."

"Dost thou recall which sword t'was?"

"Perhaps the Lævateinn or-"

"Nay, brother; Lævateinn remains with Hela, as thou might recall," he replied. "Father sent't to Hel after thou crafted't those many moons ago. Mayhap another?"

"The Skofnung or Dáinsleif?" I wondered.

"Thou should hope not," he widened his eyes. "The Skofnung and Dáinsleif both forge un-healable wounds. Also, they art silver indeed."

"Gram then," I stated. "I am certain."

"Wherefore where thou in that region of the armory?" he asked.

"What region would that be?

"Well, as much as't remains within thine birthright, Gram belonged to Sigurd," he explained. "He remains a legend, as we shall become eventually- hopefully... anyway, Sigurd wielded Gram to slay the great dragon yclept Frænir. T'remains in the locked, inaccessible section of the armory." He grumbled at me as we looked down again at what he hath been working with. "T'is truly deep, this laceration, I must wrap't at once."

I watched him as he continued on, almost gaily. His warm, calloused hands made thine way around mine thigh, nearly tenderly, somehow. I winced at the pain I felt as he pulled't tighter with his mighty grip. I looked up and let the lone tear absorb back into mine own eye.

As he finished up, I sensed a smile crawl upon my face.

"Brother, I beseech thee to hearken well. Thou art wounded, thou hath a responsibility to me and to thine own kingdom, in sooth. Surely, thou must see by now that henceforth, thou shall doth as I say and rest. I- Loki, we need thou hither."

"I thank thee kindly, Thor, heartily," I replied, genuinely hoping that this is to be the thing that brings us lost brothers back together as we once were.

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