and as we art lost, we shall see't all.

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I hast been outside all day, despite the rain.

Truly, t'was because I enjoyed the petrichor all too much, that wonderful scent brought about by this first rain in that which hast felt like eons.

I sit upon a bench that hast been drenched in rain-water, though I pay no mind to't or to the discomfort't should bring. I was unsure of wherefore this was, though, as normally any minor discomfort would hath sent me fuming. Mayhap t'is the gloominess, yes, I bask in't. T'stimulates me in a strange way.

This day only, though, because I remain unhappy, as I see't. At first, I hast not known wherefore, but now I see't unambiguously. T'is his fault, that of Thor alone. He hast sent me spiraling anew. I always knew he should do't once again, but I ne'er thought now or anytime soon.

So, in this somber time, I remain out-of-doors to remain out of his sight. I doth not wish to see him or hear from him or even think of him... but, verily, how likely is that?

"Loki!" he shouted across the courtyard impetuously. "A word."

I rolled mine eyes back into mine skull; by Odin, what could he want of me now?

"Certainly, thine majesty," I regarded him as any other would. His eye twitched at the sound of those words falling from mine mouth as if I were anyone else. "To what doth I owe the pleasure of thine august presence?"

"I require thine ear regarding last night and the... incident," he spoke softly.

"By all means, brother, speak freely," I alerted him. "I am thine in this moment," I threw in.

He cleared his throat at the comment. "I feel thou require mine apologies."

"Whatever for?" I acted shocked. "Thou only lied to thine brother, the Deity of Mischief and, thence, Lies themselves, and thought thou should get out unscathed- t'was nothing, truly."

"Loki, I-"

"No, verity, brother," I stopped him. "There remains no grounds for the aforementioned pardon. Wherefore apologize for completely disregarding me and treating me as if I am thine plaything in telling me naught of Jane Foster and thine undying love that lingers forever around thou for her like a cloud?"

"Enough!" he yelled angrily. "Thou art not that which thou speak, Loki, I know thou. There is no need to feign anger and call upon ungrounded vengeance- I know thou remain kind and true despite thine claims to being mischievous and perfidious."

"The version of me thou hast created in thine head is not mine own responsibility," I shot a devilish look at him. "If thou wish to believe things that remain untrue, I cannot help thou anymore. All that which I uttered is how I feel, brother, and whether thou decide to believe me is completely thine choice."

"Mine intent was ne'er to hurt thou, I-"

"Well, look what thou hast done regardless!" I wailed. "Thou remain unscathed and I am left to rot! How can thou treat another being like this, especially thine brother?"

"Thou art not mine brother!" he jumped back in, filling the air immediately after with utter silence.

I could not speak. I shall not, not now. Mine voice is not something I can trust in this moment after something so vile hast been spoken. What could I even say that should cut him deeper than what he hast said to me?

I looked away from him as his face filled with guilt. I could not forgive him, and gazing upon his face would certainly doth just that. So, I filled mine palms with green flames, just as mine sadness hast been replaced with fury, and spun around to throw them at his feet.

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