- seemingly fanning the flames -

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'Tis yet another sleepless night.

T'feels as though't hast been evading me, somehow, mine rest and I am oft' rather drowse. Like a game, only cruel and terrifying... the more I want't, the better't seems to escape me.

So, I decided that putting myself to good use during these times was better than remaining within the bed in which I hast previously wished to lay. Even if this means simply having fun in mine own creation.

This night, I travelled to the courtyard o'erlooking Asgard. 'Twas dark, even amidst the brightest stars and surrounding planets.

I always found that night soothed me most. In other words, whilst Thor seemed to rise with Sól and Dagr, I remained constant in that I rise with Máni, Nótt and Aurvandil. Perhaps this is wherefore I find myself so inexplicably bewitched by him.

Just as the light of day dwindles so that the pure darkness of night may glisten in'ts own right, Thor allows for me to be mine own person. We art an apparatus that seems to hath figured'tself out. This works. We art only now perfecting't.

I arose from the chilled stone bench, leaving those notions behind me, and realized how much colder't seemed to hath gotten as we neared winter.

I walked out into the middle of the stone-floored region at which I resided and maneuvered my hands close to my stomach before swiftly pulling a green flame from the aether. I held't in my one hand before splitting't between mine two and began to play with them.

First, I lit the numerous little candle holders that surrounded me in this garden, creating a beautifully serene environment before I went on to the more fun activities.

I would direct them through the aether and around mine own head and't would appear to an outsider that I was simply bending the flames with my hands... even as't remained an action of magic originating from the mind.

I allowed the flame to simmer and calm between my fingertips as I looked down upon't. I felt a smile grow upon my face. Sure, I would ne'er be able to conjure lightning as Thor dost, but I am powerful and mighty in mine own right. Magic most certainly is not for the faint of heart.

"Wherefore art thou hither, brother?" Thor asked from a ways to the rear of me, forcing the flame to go out due to the fact that he hast given me quite a fright.

"Thou hath frightened me," I admitted, re-igniting the flame. "Of what doth thou speak?"

"I hath been looking for thou. Thine quarters were empty and the guards were clueless as well, so I began to wander and look simultaneously," he explained.

"Thou hath managed to arrive hither, by some means?"


"And, wherefore were thou scouring about for me?" I wondered.

"I feared thou might not find sleep tonight, just as I also found," he said. "And, when I saw that strange, smoldering, green phosphorescence down hither from thine own balcony, I knew't only to be thee."

"This?" I enlarged the flame between us and stepped closer. Mine own hands and the fire'tself nearly hit that chest of his.

His eyes enlarged in wonderment. "Indeed."

I made't dance and grown and shrink and brought't around him and between us and behind me and- he was in utter shock.

"How hath thou learned and realized this ability?" he asked.

"Mother- er, Frigga. She hath shown me a while ago, as I was nowt before that," I replied.

"Certainly thou were always something, perhaps thou simply hast yet to see that which thou truly were," he interrupted.

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