{6} Myths And Superstitions

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As we finished up breakfast, I told Thomas that there was a spare bathing suit for him in the guest bathroom. He went up the stairs and I followed him. I got into my one piece bathing suit.
It honestly was my favorite suit because it was all black with one small gold strip going diagonally across it. It made me feel pretty.
I met Thomas in the hall, and I laughed. The shorts were really big on him.
"I'm wearing underwear," he said.
I laughed even harder and Thomas smiled.
"What about a shirt?" He asked.
"There's no shirt. Unless you want to use one of your shirts-"
"Nah, I'm good," he interrupted. I chuckled.
"Let's go."

We walked down to the lake. It wasn't very deep until you got out about 10 feet.
"It's really warm," I said. And it was true. It was September, so the air was chilly, but the water was still warm. I stepped in. I looked back at Thomas and he almost looked scared to go in.
"What are you afraid of?" I asked.
Thomas looked at me.
"Oh you know, big fish! Sharks! Alligators! Dead people-"
"Dead people?" I laughed.
Thomas' face turned red.
"Yes!" He exclaimed. "If people died in here, their bodies sink down to the bottom of the lake, and take you down with them."
I just stood there and looked at him with confusion.
"To be honest," I said.
"You're making no sense. Bodies float, remember?"
"Have you ever heard of Davey Jone's Locker?" Thomas asked.
"No," I admitted.
"It's where people tie rocks to the bodies so they will sink. But some sort of imbalance with the salt also makes them float. So, they are like stuck in the middle of the water. Neither sinking nor floating."
I blinked a few times.
Thomas slumped his shoulders and walked in next to me, mumbling to himself words I couldn't make out.
"See? Not so bad!" I said. But then I felt like playing a prank on him. I acted as if I was getting pulled under by something in the water. I fell down and thrashed around in the water, trying not to get water up my nose.
"Thomas help!" I screamed.
I stoped moving and sat up. Thomas was running around screaming like a little girl.
"Help! My friend is in danger! She's being eaten by a shark!"
I laughed and called his name.
All of the sudden, Thomas stopped running and yelling and looked at me, sitting in the shallow part of the lake. I raised my eyebrows.
"T?" He asked and ran up to me.
"You're so gullible," I respond and laugh.
"That's not funny!" He scolds.
"Okay, mom," I say back.
I get up and take both of his hands and drag him in deeper.
"That was kind of funny," I admitted to him.
"It was not," he said back.
We kept walking in until it was about up to our knees.
"O-okay, that's far enough," he said. I stopped and looked at him. "Come on, you can go farther! You're only up to your knees!" I exclaimed.
"I can swim here," he explained.
I laughed. "No you can't. Come one, up to our waists."
I dragged him in until we stopped where I told him.
Thomas shuddered.
"Sooooo many diseases in these waters," he said.
"What the heck?" I exclaimed.
"The lake is clean. I go swimming in it every summer."
Thomas shrugged. "Doesn't mean you can't get sick," he said.
"Lighten up," I told him, and scooped up a big handful of water. "Or else."
Thomas grinned.
"Or else what?" He teased.
I smirked at him.
I tossed the water at him, but he ducked and scooped up some water also, he splashed me, and I have to say, I got soaked.
"Ohhhhh, you're going to pay for that!" I said.
I splashed him but good. We sort of had a water fight, and we ended up running around in the water, dodging the water drops, but also getting pelted by them.
"Stop!" I shrieked.
Thomas just laughed and continued to splash me. I tried to get him back, but water got in my mouth and I went into a coughing fit.
Thomas seemed to know what was wrong and asked me if I was okay.
"Yeah," I said, and coughed.
"Just...great!" I continued to cough.
Finally, I was done and I burped. Thomas and I both laughed.
"Jeez you acted like you were being attacked by a Griever!" Thomas exclaimed.
"A Griever?" I asked, out of breath.
"New video game. You wouldn't get it," Thomas said.
"Do you want to just chill on the beach?" I asked.
Well, the thin strip of sand, I thought.
"Of course," he said.
"But just know that I totally crushed you. You're soaked."
I slapped him.
"No, I won! Girls always win. It's in our blood."
We walked out of the water.
"Sure, whatever," he laughed.


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