{4} "It's All My Fault"

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I've got nothing to say, so enjoy this chapter!

I woke up at 7:30, which was late for me. It was the start of my weekend. Saturday.
I stared out of my window and looked at the lake. A big ray of sunlight shined through and illuminated my room, so it was really bright in here. I blinked a couple of times and pushed the covers off of me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Something was different today.
What was it??
"Oh my god! Tom!" I said and jumped off my bed. I ran down the hall and went up to his bedroom door, which was closed. I shouldn't knock, but I have to know what's going on. He may even still be asleep.
I knocked anyway.
I waited for a response.
"Who is it?" A muffled voice said.
I opened the door and found Thomas sitting up in bed, his eyes wet with tears.
"Tom," she whispered. She walked in and sat down on the bed with him. "I miss my mom," he said.
I didn't know what that felt like because my mom was always around and she loved me.
"I'm sorry," I said, not knowing what to say. "This is your dad's fault."
"No it's not!!" He yelled. "It's my fault! It's all my fault! I wasn't good enough! I wasn't a good son! That's the reason she moved away! To get away from ME!"
I was stunned. Thomas wasn't thinking straight.
"Tom, please don't take this out o yourself. It's-"
"Don't tell me it's okay! It's not okay! My dad is abusing me, he doesn't know where I am, and my mom moved out and I don't even know where she is!"
Thomas burst out crying.
"Tom, listen," I said.
He looked at me.
"My parents are trying to get custody over you. They love you like parents. Until we find out where your mom is, or if someone adopts you, you'll be living with us. That's good!"
Thomas sighed and looked down. "It's not the same."
"You're right," I admitted. "It's not. But life is all about changes. Maybe your dad wasn't 'the one' for your mom. But know that it is not your fault. I'm sure she still loves you, and she's just stressed and made a move that she might later regret. She'll never forget you, Thomas."
Thomas leaned over and hugged me.
"You're alright, kid," I joked.
"Now let's go downstairs. My mom is making out favorite breakfast! Omelets and bacon."
Thomas brightened up at the comment.
"Okay," he said.

"So, Thomas," my dad said at breakfast.
Thomas looked up from his bacon that he was eating.
"Yes, Mr. Agnes?"
"Mrs. Agnes and I have called up our lawyer and we will be signing papers tonight that confirm custody over you for a short period of time. We can't sign unless you give us verbal confirmation."
Thomas looked at me. He sort of smiled, but not enough to be noticed. I'm pretty sure he was happy.
"What about my dad? He doesn't know where I am," Thomas replied.
My dad smiled. "I will take care of that," he said.
My dad was an FBI agent. He basically felt with this sort of stuff. It's kinda cool, he can arrest people.
Thomas looked at me again. I nodded in encouragement.
"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Agnes," Thomas said.
"I verbally confirm."
I shook my head. His choice of words was actually kinda funny.
My mom smiled at him and reached across the table to ruffle his hair. Thomas smiled.
"You'll be our son by tomorrow," my dad said.
Then it hit me.
Tomorrow, Thomas will technically be my brother. My best friend...is my brother.
The thought made me really happy, but it also made me a little bit sad. Thomas and I were already like brother and sister, but we had the chance to get closer as friends.
But I'm too happy to think about that. I push his arm and we all laugh. Like a family.


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