You're Not Welcome Here The Will Of D!

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Chapter 14: You're Not Welcome Here, The Will Of D!

Asuka's POV

Three days had past and the nakama were readying the ship for the next island

Even though there was no adventure on this island Luffy enjoyed it immensely, except when someone said the next island was one whole month sail.

He isn't happy...

"C'mon guys! Don't waste time! The guy in the onsen said the next island is special and we'll find adventure! But it's a months journey so go go go!" The captain rushed us and I could tell Sanji wanted to hit him.

"IF YOU WANT US TO WORK FASTER GET OFF THE THOUSAND SUNNY HEAD AND HELP!" He yelled but Luffy just continued to stare into the water.

"Here Asuka, go put these in the library for Robin." Zoro passed me six books and I smiled and nodded.

As I put the books away I thought deeply.

Zoro is acting 'normal' towards me in front of everyone as if nothing happened in the onsen but if we're alone we talk, laugh and have heaps of fun... It's just weird, like he has two personalities.

I felt the ship move and I climbed down to the deck we're everyone was waving to the onsen people we'd befriended.

"Good bye everyone!" I shouted smiling.

Then suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see a figure running towards us, something that seemed like a moth flying to light or a faithful man running to his salvation.

I could see the person more closely to reveal it to be a young man with snowy white hair and an angry mob close on his tail.

"Umm guys?" The rest of the crew didn't notice him until he suddenly and quiet clumsily jumped aboard the Sunny that just left the harbor.

Everyone looked at the boy who was lying at my feet in confusion.

"Did... Someone just jump on the Sunny?" Franky said in confusion and I scoffed and said in sarcasm. "No, there magically appeared some guy at my feet." "Sassy..." Brook countered and I poked out my tongue.

The boy got on his knees with a groan and he rubbed his head as he looked at us.

"I'm on a ship?" "NO FREAKING DUH!" We all pointed out in frustration.

"Oh yeah I jumped off the docks! Who are you guys and where am I?" I looked at him closely and I don't know why but I feel as if I know him...

"You know it's rude to ask who we are when you haven't even introduced yourself." I said to the rude boy as Zoro stood beside me he clasped my hand.

I felt a wave of shock, as this is the first public display of affection I've received from him.

"You know you talk just like my best friend... Actually have you seen her? She's pretty short, fiery temper, medium length light blue hair..." He pulled out my old wanted poster and myself and everyone around me seemed shocked.

I dropped to me knees and flung my arms around him.

"NAKATO!" "Wait... 'Suka?" "You're such an idiot, that's my old wanted poster I don't look like that anymore!" I felt tears sliding from my eyes and I let my arms fall and I stood back up, pulling him to his feet.

"I've been looking for you for two years! I thought you had just disappeared into thin air!" He had changed a lot since I was fifteen well technically seventeen, how confusing...

His big silver eyes stayed the same though, that's one thing that won't change.

"You've been on the Grand Line for two years! Alone? BAKA!" I hit him on the head and he cried out in pain.

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