Explanations, Explanations

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Chapter 23: Explanations, Explanations

Pic: Not Asuka, but how pretty is this Vivi drawing!!!!

Asuka's POV

"We need to go back!" I wailed with Sanji's arms holding me back. "It's been two days!" "We need to trust Zoro, Asuka; believe me. If he doesn't show up tomorrow we'll find him." Luffy wasn't taking it as well; Zoro was the first person he started this crew with so it wouldn't be anything close to easy. "There's no need to look for me." I turned quick as anything to see my beast of a man standing like a strong tower, battered and bruised beyond believed. I heard Luffy start to approach him but someone must've stopped him because he was all I could see as I slowly approached him, walking warily until I wrapped my arms around his neck clinging to him tightly. "Zoro... You goddam idiot." I cried heavily into his shoulder (mainly because it was one of the few places on him that was not bleeding). "I need to attend to your wounds right away!" Chopper pulled on him but I tightened my grip on him. "He's mine..." I heard a sigh and saw trickles of blood falling onto me. "But right now... you probably need to fix him." I led him into Choppers office wiping my eyes with everyone hot on my tail.

We all gathered in the room together looking at Chopper rub salve and mix herbs for Zoro. "Zoro can you hear me?" Luffy asked and Zoro tried nodding. "Oh God, he cant even speak!" Usopp cried and Nami gasped. "What if Eustass Kid ripped out his voice box?!" Scary images flooded my mind and Chopper shook his head. "Its from lack of dehydration, exposure to smoke and exertion." I kneeled by his bed and looked him in the eyes. "You did something incredible back there- and I'm not talking about the fighting. You completely overlooked the fact I didn't tell you all of my past and what secrets I had; I can't believe it. Thank you Zoro." I saw a small smile on his busted lips and I rested my head on the bed next to him. "When every things blown over I'll tell everyone everything- but right now I think I've hogged Zoro a bit too much; you can all stay with him- I'll be on my bed."


Zoro's POV

She left, was she angry? But like a mind reader Nami explained softly. "She hasn't slept since we escaped, now that she knows you're alive she can sleep."

Chopper continued to patch me up as the others talked to me trying to keep me conscious, I appreciated it all but my mind was on if Eustass Kid would strike again. He definitely wasn't dead- just utterly defeated. But then again I wasn't far from it.

"Zoro... what did Kid say to you in there?" Sanji cocked his head to one side, I cleared my throat and I could talk easier thanks to something Chopper made me drink. "Do you want to guess?" Bitterness showed through my voice even though I tried to keep it to myself. Everybody stayed silent until Usopp cleared his throat. "Was she a prisoner of his once before?" "What do you call a willing prisoner?" I coughed and I could taste the metallic twang of blood in my mouth. Sanji clicked his finger in realization. "No way... Kid and Asuka?" I nodded my head, settling my eyes on Chopper who was bandaging my leg. "Well we all know Asuka has funny taste in men." Nami looked pointedly at me, getting an amused from Robin. "Does that bother you?" Usopp asked me but I just shook my head. It was certainly not that that bothered me; everyone makes mistakes. That psychopath probably seemed all right at the start... then you start to notice your hair falling out and you think 'has he been feeding me something?' then one night bam! You wake up on an operation table with five arms and extra set of breasts...

The latter actually doesn't seem like a bad thing...

"Something is definitely bothering you Zoro." Nami insisted, this time I did agree. "I'm worried he'll come after again, this time harder; more prepared. He's no doubt one of the strongest and most dangerous men on the Grand Line. I think we need to send Asuka some place indiscreet for awhile... I'm sorry, I cant talk anymore." Everyone was silent, no doubt a million things going through their minds.

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