Just Listen I Love You Ok? I Want To Know Your Story

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Chapter 16: Just Listen, I Love You Ok? I Want To Know Your Story.

Asuka's POV

It was a cold snowy day, we are just about to approach a winter island so everyone was rugged up, usually I don't need to because I can change my body temperature but ice is beyond me and its almost frozen out there.

The whole crew is snuggled in the library together.

"So do we have any stop overs before we reach Crunch Island?" Zoro asked Nami who was bent over a map.

"Just two for supplies, one winter island, a spring island then we finally reach Crunch Island..." She sketched something on the grid and I blew a strand of hair from my eyes.

"It's not for a while though, it's extremely frozen around here for there is a change of winter island's until we reach a spring one, we are lucky it's the last island we are stopping at therefore the least cold..." She continued talking islands and seasons but I spaced out and sunk into the warm arm cascading my body like a willow tree overshadowing a single summer flower.

"Technically shouldn't we do research on this place since all those people at Onsen Island told us its dangerous?" I asked holding a small sphere of water to create steam hence making it warmer

"I tried but no information came up on it, not too surprising since its in the New World, did you research?." Robin said and I tipped my empty glass upside down peering into it.

"I did no such thing," "because she is lazy," Zoro said with a tired smirk so I threw the glass at him.

"I am not, I'm just not bothered since we are going anyway... You can't talk Zoro you're the biggest procrastinator here!" I glared sideways at him since he was beside me

"I HAVE A GAME! We have to describe Asu chan in one word! I say she is water!" Luffy announced and I looked at him strangely and Nami hit him. "Baka! You can't say she's water! Whatever I say... Kind!" "Arigatou Nami chan."

"Sarcastic," Brook answered so I hit him with some water, which did nothing but make him wet.

"Two-faced in poker, but adorable as a sister." Franky said and I laughed. "That's not one word,"

"Aloof, I'd say..." Robin smiled at me and returned to reading her book.

"SCARY! But you're really nice too-" Chopper said but Sanji interrupted him.

"BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS GODDESS OF THE SEA" "Active mellorine mode..." I said rolling my eyes and Usopp nodded backing away from Sanji.

"I think you're clever Asuka, sometimes a little too cunning but your heart is always in the right place." "Gee, thanks Usopp..."

"So that's everyone let's finish this stupid game that you didnt even folllow properly!" I sigh in annoyance but Luffy shook his head.


I buried my face into my jacket and I heard a sigh of annoyance from Zoro too.

Good to know we're on the same page.

"Have you no words to say to the women you love!" Sanji said and I took my head out of my jacket.

"No." Zoro stated and even I was shocked.

"Well that's fine we me, you know I don't like these things but you could at lase give me something." I stood up shaking of his arm that was around me.

I felt his hand go through my arm but I continued to walk.

I walked down to the cold deck to look at the water that had a thin layer of frost covering it.

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