Revenge Comes In Threes The Newfound Island!

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Chapter 4: Revenge comes in threes. The newfound island!

Zoro's POV

Asuka disappeared, no really; her body turned into water and vanished.

Some logia trick.

I have to win every fight to be the best, I have to take all measures to win, an arm, a leg or some dignity.

I hope Asuka's not too offended; I honestly should've tried breaking her hold first...

But a little tiny voice in the back of my head told me to do that, it worked of course, but... Is it wrong that I can help replaying the feel of my lips of her pale soft skin?

Probably because I don't think I ever felt skin that smooth, is it even freaking possible to have such nice skin?

After all I don't like her, I know I should be friends with all my nakama, if the time comes I will protect her such as I would every other member of the crew, even the cook.

She pisses me off, how dare she humiliate me twice.

First at the bar, second by reducing me to the art of seduction.

Although when I awoke to see her strong, dark eyes and small nose twisted in confusion it was a pleasant thing to wake up too.

All the women in our crew are pretty, no doubt. Sanji reminds me every fucking day, but she's a curious kind of beauty.

She always seems like she's investigating something. It's as if she questions everything and believes nothing.

How cryptic... I knew there was something strange about her.

Word of advice Asuka, try and get in my face again and I wont treat you with kisses.

Asuka's POV

"I hate that man! I detest that man! I loath that man!" I burst into the girl's room, Nami was writing in her logbook and Robin was drinking coffee.

"Which bastard is this you speak of?" Nami sighed in understanding.

"Roronoa," I said through gritted teeth

"Askua san, you have a red mark on your neck, did you hurt yourself whilst you were outside? Or was it the swordsman? I can hurt his precious jewels if you desire." Robin said concerned for me.

"Zoro tried to argue with me and it turned into a physical fight, I trapped him with my iron water grip so he couldn't move... So to startle me he kissed my neck! Although, tell me more about this harming of his equipment." I asked evilly and Nami looked surprised.

"I will crush him like a rock, how dare he lay a finger on my little sister." Robin narrowed her eyes, this is the first time I've seen Robin loose her cool.

I'm so touched she sees me as a sister though; I've never had a sister...

"Oh you should have seen what she did to Franky two years ago!" Nami laughed and Robin smiled a sinister smile.

"He would have to be naked for me to do any real damage though, at least from the waist down... How do we manage that?" Robin thought and Nami gave me an evil grin.

Oh no.

"Here's the plan."

Nami's POV

I loudly opened the door to the crow's nest.

"What do you want Nami?" Zoro said, man he looked pissed off.

He must be if he was nearly beaten by a girl and had to result to kissing her!

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