Asuka vs. Kizaru How to confuse The Fuck out of Your Enemy.

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Chapter 26: Asuka vs. Kizaru, How to confuse The Fuck out of Your Enemy.

A/N It was originally Akainu and Smoker leading attack on the Mugiwaras, but I changed it to Akainu and Kizaru because Smoker has wayyyyy to much pent up sexua- um, anger issues... with Luffy that it would totally clash with everything else.

Asuka's POV

It is dawn, the beginning of something that will be recorded in history.

We were awaiting the attack, our plan formulated, strategy complete and positions ready.

What was our plan? It was so simple that the marines would never figure it out. We've got em' trumped.

I hope...

I looked over my hiding place and saw a full fleet of ships heading towards the Sunny. It was oh so surreal, the sky was damp and grey, dark clouds looming just over the south. The ships were strong as an ox and mean as a child; but the Sunny is not just any ship and we are not just any crew.

We are the Mugiwara pirates.

The ships were now close enough for the marines to attack, and so they did. But with much confusion, their guard was up except when they pounced upon our ship they did not find their enemies equally fueled with bloodlust and weapons. They found an empty ship... nearly the whole battalion except their supposed commanders were aboard when the next stage of our plan was executed; we each cut a rope from our hiding places.

Shouts of surprise sounded as a bunch of marines were now tied up in fishing nets like crabs, squirming and wriggling for room. Law laughed manically as he strolled out of his hiding place as planned, spinning his nodachi like a fan. "Room," he called placing a thin blue cover over the area of the net, the marines sensing what was to happen shouted for mercy. "Shambles!" The marines caught in the net now looked like chuck, waiting to be fed to the sharks.

The second fleet pounced upon the ship, landing in a pile of blow-up Mugiwara dolls, courtesy of Usopp. Zoro now revealed himself, each marine fell down hard as Zoro zipped through them like it was nothing. Now the two swordsmen, Law and Zoro stood back to back cutting down the last shipment of marines before the big guns chose to reveal themselves.

The top marine, oh-so glamourous Fleet Admirial, the magma maniac - oh let's cut the crap, Akainu the Fucking Dog appeared like lightning upon our ship and a sudden thought overwhelmed me, 'how will the Sunny fair in this fight?' Of course I had no time to think about it because it was my turn to join the party.

Slithering along the deck like an eel I wrapped myself around Akainu's ankles, thinking about it... that would look pretty funny if I were not made of water at the moment. "You're looking fine today, oh Mighty Crusader of the Navy." "Water Wielder!" Akainu snarled as Admiral Kizaru appeared, immediately sending a blinding source of light towards Law and Zoro, oh how chummy my boyfriend and new bestie are, all huddled like old buddies.

Law roomed behind Kizaru leaving Zoro to deflect and stop the attack as he waved his nodachi in Kizaru's direction.

"So how's life as the big boss treating you Akainu? You know I never saw you as leader of justice, I just can't wait to see the navy fall to pieces under your reign!" I laughed rather smugly receiving a growl from Mr. Fancy Pants, as his anger grew his body started to heat and melt, warming me up. Well this certainly isn't good, did I ever mention that if my body goes beyond boiling point I scar? Better let go.

Slithering across the deck opposing him I turned into my human form. "Where is the rest of the Mugiwara pirates, Mizu Maiden?" "Honestly Akainu I love this little game we play, you know. The one where we give each other cute little nicknames? I'm rather surprised we aren't a couple yet, although I do like Mizu Maiden, could you put that on my next wanted poster? I'm getting tired of 'Water Wielder' it's such a mouthful!" I could see the vein in Akainu's head growing larger, oh how easily aggravated the male species is. "Answer my question! Where is the rest of the Mugiwara pirates?" I sighed, running a hand through my hair dramatically. "Oh how swiftly you dismiss our love Akainu-chan! ~♡" I could see he was in no way in the mood for such things so smirking I decide to give him an answer. "You see, Luffy and the others thought Law, Zoro and I could handle you two quiet easily once we'd dispatched your underlings. They're having coffee and cakes in the lounge. They said sorry to miss you." I laughed holding up three fingers. Law saw me counting down and gave me a knowing smile he tapped Kizaru on the back and muttered. "Shambles," the action seemed to stop for a moment and Kizaru and Akainu looked around them confusingly before uttering Law's name under their breath. Utterly confused and not quite sure what move to make from here the three of us formed a circle around them.

"Liquido arrow!" Shooting out water-arrows from my sleeves I shot them at Akainu's body (inhabited by Kizaru), all five of them pierced through his shoulder make him stumble back. "Zoro! While he's down!" I shouted and Zoro aimed Shuseui at Kizaru's body (inhabited by Akainu) who was able to move out of the way just so it sliced slightly through his arm. "Goddamn it Trafalgar Law! Swap us back now!" Akainu shouted as he tried to get used to his new body. "No, that would take away half the fun."

Kizaru focused back on me, it was really weird how Law could do these creepy things... "Even though you've set us back by switching our hearts you still won't beat us, hohoho." Kizaru laughed morbidly pointing a finger in my direction. Slowly a little trickle of magma bled out from it, which was pretty pathetic... "BHAHAHA!" I couldn't help but bursting into laughter as his pathetic attempt to attack me. "I guess trying the same techniques with my own devil fruit won't work with Akainu's... this just shows me what to do... This time you won't be so lucky Asuka the Water Wielder!"

Okay he looks pretty scary right now...

I should probably attack... Yeah good idea Asuka!

"Busoshoku Haki katana fountain!" Yup I know a little Haki, yeah I know. I'm a pretty cool heroine.

I charged towards him, with my hakified water katana in my hands straight towards Kizaru. He stopped it with his own haki. "Hmm... so using Haki is the same in this body, a least I'll have that to fall back on!" "Don't push your luck Kizaru, you don't even know your own weaknesses! I'll fight you to the death if I have to!" I unleashed all my pent up anger and emotions into pushing him, he fell to the floor where I immediately jumped on him.

"I won't lose!"

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