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So I had trouble continuing this book so the story will be continued in a separate book, follow me to see when it's released.

Here is a sneak peak of its beginnings.


"Down to the Valley!"

"Step into the pool!"

"Wallow down to the ground..."

"Your life is your only tool."

Asuka stepped into the glowing pool her face glowing with the sunlight streaming down on her. She was down in a pool of the cave, the timing was exact - the sun was streaming over the hole.

She was now waist deep, her naked body pearlescant in the water.

"Speak." One of the Wiccans tapped her staff and a small wave pool formed. "Where is my son?"

The pool swirled rapidly, Asuka stood back and turned her head upwards at the light where Jinbei was waiting for her.

Looking back down the swirling started to slow, a picture took form. Her son watching a man dying fabrics by a river. "An estuary in the East Blue. Minagawachi village." One of the Wiccans announced as her eyes flickered rapidly, another stood dancing on her toes. "But wait!" the Wiccan said as Asuka emerged from the water. "You must find your son in person, he will not come unless it is you alone who finds him. Be careful child."

They vanished.

Back uptop Jinbei waited for Asuka, as she returned he inquired as to watch she saw. "He is in the Minagawachi village in the East Blue." "I will set off straight away miss Asuka." "No Jinbei, I'm going." "But Miss Asuka, the Strawhats-" "will be find without me until I get back and now. I tell the others and go. This is something I must do alone."

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

She rose out of the water like a woman so tall.

"Asuka." Zoro looked into her eyes, she didn't blink, she didn't cry.

"I will be back."

The Water Wielder (One Piece - Roronoa Zoro)Where stories live. Discover now