I'm A Demon & I'll Show You Why

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  • Dedicado a Someone I Suppose. Little Kids in Africa and Asia can have this chapter

Chapter 21: I'm a demon and I'll show you why - Also known as: The-author-cant-give-two-fucks-about-editing-tonight-and-only-did-it-once

Song: Believe Me Natalie - The Killers

Asuka's POV

"Asuka are you okay?" Zoro grabbed my arm, tearing my thoughts apart like shreds. Without thinking I tore away my arm and he stared at me surprised. "What's wrong?" "I-It's nothing, lets go back down to the parade. "Alright, but you'll tell me if you're not fine right?" "I'm always fine Zoro."

We walked back down to the streets and bumped into Luffy and the gang. "I was just looking for you guys!" Luffy said munching on his fairy floss. "We thought maybe we could go have a look at the stalls in the market?" Nami suggested, her orange hair floating gleaming in the lantern light. "Oh that sounds grea-" "Asuka?" I turned around and my happiness fell, my heart dropped, my head spun and I felt sick. Really sick... In fact I screamed, my umbrella dropped to the floor and I tried to run away but those big cold hands clamped on my waist. "Hey get off her!" Zoro tried to pull me away but the offender was too strong, he pulled me to his body. "Asuka... It is you, its you." He breathed down my neck and my arms started to shake. "Unhand Asuka Eustass Kid! Or I'll finish you like I should've in Sabody!"

"Don't be scared Asuka, it's me, it's me. Don't be afraid of me." Kid's voice attempted reassurance but the foreign words bit his tongue and he came off panicked. "I will kill you." I saw Zoro's sword point at Kid, but in everyone's surprise I shouted. I shouted loud. "STOP!" I broke out of Kid's grasp and looked at him, he was so different; so big and scary, his hair was wilder but his eyes still burned the same. He still had that strange handsomeness, that exotic look, sharp strong feature...

"Do you know him miss Asuka?" Brook piped up. Kid looked at me up and down. "Your hair is longer- Asuka. Where is he?" "What?" My voice shook and his arms clamped on my shoulders. "It was a boy right? I know Asuka. Who do you think I am? Now tell me. WHERE IS MY BABY?"

My body shook violently, my tears poured and suddenly I held a knife in my hand, a knife of water; sharpness of a shark tooth. I stabbed my leg; I stabbed and stabbed and stabbed. No one moved for a moment then Kid picked me up and I saw Zoro and Luffy tried to reach me. But they disappeared. They just disappeared.


I was floating. Everything was white, ah heaven... Finally.

"Asuka wake up." No not heaven after all. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Kid, am I in the past? "Kid..." I cried, as soon as my eyes opened tears flooded down heavily. I thought a hug would welcome me but only the eyes of cold distrust and betrayal. "Where is my son?" "I can't tell you!" "Did you kill him?" Not even a little fire held the question, just the same as before. "No! You will leave him alone, to live a life where he is not burdened." I crawled in the sheets tighter trying not to reminisce the day I had to let my baby go. "His name?" "Gol D. Alexander, bitch." A knee jerked up into his face- my knee and I began to strangle him with water, I suffocated him until I was sure that he was dead.

I collapsed on the floor and began to stroke his pale cheek. "I'm so so so sorry Kid, I really liked you and you treated me so well but... You would've killed him, my Alexander; so you can die with our secret; the Gold secret. Please forgive me you strong and deadly man, forgive me..." I choked on my words and ran my hand through his hair.

I got up and looked around the room, this was definitely Kid's ship, but his crew wasn't to be seen. It was still dark too; they must've been asleep.

There was no way to get off; I needed to get back the Strawhats... How though? "Ooops." A hand covered my mouth and I cursed myself. "You can't kill me that easily you silly bitch, I gotta say Asuka; that was one heck of a speech! Who knew you were Roger's daughter? That's one heck of a bloodline, better not let it leak. Oh and our son? How dare you think I'd kill him!" I broke free of his grasp and I began breathing heavily. "You would kill him! You'd corrupt him! And I'll do anything to keep Alexander safe!" "Why Alexander?" "What?" His question threw me off and he repeated himself. "Why did you name him Alexander?" "It is a traditional name from my hometown." "Is that where you've hidden him then?" "You cannot hide a human boy in water silly." Kid was completely confused by this. "You'll never know, even if you didn't you couldn't possibly find him or spend the time looking for him, you've got the One Piece to look for." A solemn look fell across his face, did Kid... By any chance care that he had a son? "What does he look like?" He sat down on a crate looking defeated. "He has pitch black hair like his grandfather and uncle... And... Your eyes." His head jerked up and I almost saw a smile on his face. "Why... Why did you leave Asuka? We could've worked it out together." I sighed and looked out into the wind. "At the time... I thought it was best, I panicked and I thought that a baby couldn't grow up in this situation and I still believe that."

A silence hung thick between us about to suffocate us before Kid broke the spell. "You're with the Strawhat's? I read in the paper." "Yes, they're like a family where I can forget about the past and be happy." "You're... Really happy?" "Yes, completely happy." He looked at me and sighed, this is not the ruthless Eustass 'Captain' Kid. "You said before... You cared about me, when you tried to kill me. Is that true?" "Of course I do, you're the father of my son as much as I want to forget that I cant. But that doesn't change anything... I'm in love with someone else." I smiled to myself looking out at the water, I looked back at Kid and a chill went up my spine. His intense eyes shot through me; I felt weaker in his presence. "You're in love?" I internally face-palmed, why say that to a psychopath like Kid? Why Asuka? Why? "Sorta... Just forget I ever said that." I laughed it off but he was not one bit convinced. "Is it Monkey D. Luffy?" As soon the words left his mouth I exploded into laughter. "Luffy? As in the Luffy who calls me Asu-chan!? Hahahahahahaha! Ha ha ha... Ha... No." "Who then." "Pshh no one, I just said that!" "I know who it is." His eyes flamed and I froze in suspense, goddamit no...! "That cook!" I looked at him strangely and raised an eyebrow. "Hell no, I'm no whore." He thought again then held up his hand. "That long nosed guy! Obviously!" "Uh no..." I shook my head and Kid bit his lip (I still cant help but find that really sexy). "Oh it's clear to me, the robot with the blue hair, I bet you bond over hair." "Oh my gods you're serious right now aren't you?" Kid sighed and opened his mouth again. "The... Skeleton? It mustn't be, how the hell do you fuck a bag of bones?" I rubbed my eyes and took a deep sigh; I forgot he was like this. "Can I go now?"

The aura of the room suddenly changed, it grew heavy; breathing into my body the feeling of muggy doubt. "First... I'd like to show you something." I was going to protest, believe you me I was, but he pulled my arm to the ship quarters and for the first time I looked down at my leg; I don't think I'll ever get used to my body healing itself even after all these years.

"Ugh Kid if you're try to sleep with me I wont do it." He pushed me into a room and I felt something cold on my hands and tried to move them, my hands were tied to my back. With sea prism. "Killer? Why?" I turned to see Kids right hand man. "Orders, nothing personal..." As his words fell so did a cage right around me, I didn't even need to guess to know it was made of Sea Prism. "Kid! Why are you doing this? Let me go!" Kid smirked and shook his head; eyes keeping in contact with mine the whole time. "I want you to stay here with me and be Queen of the Pirates, I want that just as much as the One Piece; oh not to mention how you fled my ship pregnant and hid my son away from me. Oh yeah, you also tried to kill me!" "Kiiiid, just let me out." Some tears dropped from my eyes, how could he do this to me? He gave me a lazy smirk; some of his hair had gone limp mostly likely from capturing me. "Lets talk in the morning I'll tell you what I need and what you'll do if you want out of the cage." He closed the door and left me in there, errr-annoying men; all the men I encounter are trouble.

Kid's POV

"Team B," I addressed one of the most highly advanced pirates of my crew. "Find me Roronoa Zoro, I'd like him alive but if he's trouble kill him and bring me the body." Images of such ecstasy entered my mind and I felt my blood rush to my head. "Young Master... You do know who Roronoa Zoro is," "a demon!" Another pirate answered for him. "You certainly wont be able to handle him yourselves, that's why Killer and Heat are going along. Now go!" I stormed back to my quarters ready for no sleep.

Alexander... Alexander... You'll be an amazing rebel.

The Water Wielder (One Piece - Roronoa Zoro)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora