Kiss Me Like This

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SUMMARY: Reader and Seth are friends but during a slow dance at a bar together they realize maybe there's more than just friendship between them. It leads to smut in the hotel later that night. Based off You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This by Toby Keith. FLUFF. SMUT.


I felt a hand on my lower back, and I stiffened up and looked over my shoulder to see who the stranger touching me was. I let out a small sigh of relief when I realized the stranger wasn't a stranger at all. It was just my dork of a best friend wearing a slightly drunken smile on his face and holding a craft beer in his other hand.

"Hello Seth," I said as my lips curved into a small smile.

"Hi beautiful," he said as he moved his hand from my lower back and moved it to wrap around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. "You wanna dance?"

"I didn't think you danced." I said, referencing a few weeks back when I had tried to get him to dance, but he responded and said 'The Man doesn't dance."

"I don't dance with just anyone. But you...well, I might just have to make an exception for you." He said as he shot me a million dollar smile.

"You really want to dance to this?" I asked as I pointed to the ceiling referencing the very poppy and upbeat song that was playing on the sound system. It was the kind of song Seth usually turned his nose up to when we were driving on the road together.

The upbeat song ended, and immediately the mood in the room shifted as the song transitioned into a slow ballad.

Seth's lips curved into a smile and he opened his mouth to say, "No. I want to dance to this."

He moved his arm from around me and reached down to take my hand in his. He intertwined his fingers with mine and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before leading me through the crowded dance floor.

He found an open spot towards the back of the dance floor where there weren't any other couples, and he turned to face me. I put one hand on his shoulder and took his hand in my other as his free hand moved to my waist.

He began to slowly sway us in a small circle to the beat of the music. Neither of us said anything, but neither of us needed to. Seth and I had always been able to have comfortable silence when we were together without it being awkward. It was one of the things I loved about him. Whether we were talking nonstop or sitting beside each other in silence, it was never awkward.

I looked up into his eyes and thought about how long I had wanted a moment just like this. How many nights I had sat in the corner of a bar watching couples get lost in each other on a dance floor and seeing Seth and me in each and every couple, but also knowing it was just a fairytale I was telling myself.

He was Seth Freaking Rollins for God's sake. And who was I? Just me. I wasn't anything special. I wasn't a model or a dancer. I'd never be named on Maxim's Hot 100 List, and I'd never in my life be on the cover of any magazine. No, I was just a shy girl that somehow landed a job in the WWE doing behind the scenes production stuff that most people wouldn't ever even think of when they're at or watching a show. I was just another face that people saw and forgot a second later. I certainly wasn't anyone worthy of being on the arm of a man that looked and had the accolades of Seth Rollins.

I saw the corners of his lips widen as his grin grew and I gave him a confused look.


"Nothin," he smiled as he shook his head.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's're kind of...cute, you know that?"

"And you're kind of drunk," I said.

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