Touch me with your cold feet one more time!

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"Y/n? You here?" You heard Seth's familiar voice call out. Your lips curved into a smile as you hurried down the hallway to greet him. Your smile grew wider when you saw him standing there with his arms open waiting for you.

"You're back!" You said as you jumped into his arms. As soon as you felt his arms around you, you relaxed and breathed in the familiar smell of his cologne.

"A week this time." He whispered.

You pulled away from the hug to look up at him. He was home for a whole week? Usually, it was just a couple days and then he was back on the road.

"Really?" You asked, hoping he wasn't playing some kind of joke on you.

"Really. Ambrose is taking some time off and if he isn't on the show, there really isn't a need for me to be on so Hunter and Steph gave me the week off too."

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. You had him to yourself for a whole week. No shows. No flights to catch. And Black and Brave was in their off season so he didn't have to go down to the Academy every day to help train.

It was later that afternoon and you were curled up next to Seth on the couch with Kevin laying next to you. You moved your legs to get more comfortable and your foot brushed against Seth's leg for a moment. He immediately jumped and pulled his leg away and then looked over at you.

"Jesus! Why are your feet so cold?" He asked.

"My feet are always cold." You shrugged.

"That's not normal. They feel like you've been walking around in snow or something." He said.

"Stop being a baby." You said as you curled up closer to him, your foot brushing up against his leg again accidentally.

"Stop!" Seth said as he moved his leg away from your feet.

"Oh come on. They aren't that cold."

"Um yeah, they are that cold!" Seth said. "Put some socks on those ice cubes."

"What if I don't?" You challenged with a playful smirk as you purposely put your foot on his leg.

"Touch me with your cold feet one more time!" Seth warned as he looked over at you.

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