You're hurt, let me help you.

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I ran down the hallways in a panic following the signs that pointed to the Trainer's Room. I had been in the locker room taking a shower when it happened. One minute I was lathering shampoo into my hair and the next half the women's locker room was knocking on my locker room door telling me what had happened.

I had so many people talking to me at once that I didn't have a clear idea of what had happened. What I had heard for sure was Seth's name and lots of blood. The rest was a jumble of words like "Dolph" "Drew" "Braun" "Attack" and "Police Van."

I came to a halt in front of the door with the Trainer's Room sign on it. I pushed the door open and saw Seth laying on one of the benches with several trainers around him. My thoughts immediately began to race at what had happened. In between the jumble of bodies around him, I could see blood spread across the side of his face.

I felt tears begin to prick at my eyes as I hesitantly made my way over to him.

"Seth, you need to let us help you." One of the trainers said as Seth pushed them away with his hands.

"I'm fine. I don't need help." He said as he pushed the Trainer's hands away.

"Seth," I said. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on where I was standing a few feet away. One of the trainers stepped to the side letting me get a better look at him. The first thing my eyes went to was the blood dripping down his face from the gash on his face. I then saw a trainer examining his arm and could see the glass sticking out of the wound.

My hands covered my mouth as I looked down at my boyfriend. We had been dating for a little under a year at this point, and this was the bloodiest I had ever seen him after a match.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I stepped in towards the table.

"I'm fine, babe." He said as he continued to push the medics and trainers away.

"You don't look fine," I said as I took his face gently in my hands and tilted it back to get a better look at his injuries.

"Babe, it's just a little blood." He said as he reached out and wrapped his hand gently around my wrist to push my hand away.

"Seth you're hurt, let me help you," I said.

He sighed and dropped his hands to his laps letting me finally get a closer look. I was thankful for the four years of nursing school I had under my belt as I reached over to the counter beside the bench and pulled on a pair of gloves before getting a wet rag and some soap and starting to clean the dried blood so I could look at the cut itself. I put some triple antibiotic cream on the wound and covered it with a bandage before turning my attention to the cut on his arm.

That injury took a little bit longer to clean up as I had to pull the shards of glass from his arm one by one. I was thankful that Seth sat on the bench and let me work without too much fight back.

I pulled the gloves off and threw them into the trash before turning to Seth. I took a step towards him and wrapped my arms around him, clinging to him as I buried my face in his chest. His arms came up and he slowly wrapped around my back.

"You okay," he whispered after a few minutes had passed and I hadn't let go.

"I was worried sick about you. There was so much blood and-"

"Hey, hey, hey," he said as he pulled out of the hug and reached up to cup my face in his hands. His thumbs gently ran over my cheeks wiping away the tear stains with his rough fingertips. "I'm fine, babe."

"I know...I just saw the blood and got worried."

"I thought you were a nurse. Aren't you used to a little bit of blood?" He asked.

"All those people at the hospital aren't you," I said as I wrapped my arms around him again. "You had this look in your eyes, and I was scared to death that I was gonna lose-"

"Hey, look at me, babe," Seth said as he gently pulled me away from his chest so he could look me in the eyes. He reached up and gently cupped my face in his hands. "You're not going to lose me. I won't leave you. Never." He said before he leaned in and pressed his lips softly to mine.

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